American Dream!?

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member

Does it piss you off? it pisses me off. The top 1% has 40% of all the money is this country. I would consider myself as lower middle class and working my up to maybe upper middle class some day. I'm lucky to live check top check when i am employed, and right now i'm not. There are alot of people doing worse then me. This is the American way? I bust my ass for this illusion of an American Dream? It makes me sick. It makes me want to not perticipate. I'm not a Socialist, but the disrubution of wealth in this country is SOO fucked up that the top 5% have more money then the rest of the 95% off Americans "below" them. How do we change this? We have power in numbers, but what do we do? Do we not work, or buy houses we need to live in or utillities we need like heat, water. Do we not shop at Wal-Mart? Life could be so much better for all of us if this money was more evenly distributed the all classes EXCEPT the top 5%. The money in the pockets of these assholes comes from us, the working people. Meanwhile we cant pay are bills, we worry about how were going to get the car fixed and how were going to put food on the table. It makes us edgy and angry and we take it out on each other... If we could redirect that towards some thing that make a change we would be unstopable.. How?

sorry for repost
Stop empowering the systems that allow people to keep you chained to the warfare / welfare state. Don't follow "leaders" or a given party and get swept up in the "my team" my team" bull shit of trading the gun of control over others. Instead of waiting for somebody to set you free, be free and peaceful, and help to proliferate those ideas.

Seeking solutions by forceful redistributing what others have, is simply becoming what others that use force to redistribute are. You might also consider gardening, it helps feed you in more ways than one. PEACE.
These politicians are employees of the top 1%. We could elect a President that could change all of this if one would run and wasnt already on the payroll. Congress is bought now both repubs and dems could of changed this. It's both parties fault. What are you saying we stop paying taxes? Or we should get off welfare? People CANT get off welfair. Free and peacefull tho will emprove your quality of life, truth is were NOT free by anymeans including to "garden" what we want. I dont want to force anyone to do anything, but dont you want to relaim what is rightfully yours and mine in the first place?

Does it piss you off? it pisses me off. The top 1% has 40% of all the money is this country. I would consider myself as lower middle class and working my up to maybe upper middle class some day. I'm lucky to live check top check when i am employed, and right now i'm not. There are alot of people doing worse then me. This is the American way? I bust my ass for this illusion of an American Dream? It makes me sick. It makes me want to not perticipate. I'm not a Socialist, but the disrubution of wealth in this country is SOO fucked up that the top 5% have more money then the rest of the 95% off Americans "below" them. How do we change this? We have power in numbers, but what do we do? Do we not work, or buy houses we need to live in or utillities we need like heat, water. Do we not shop at Wal-Mart? Life could be so much better for all of us if this money was more evenly distributed the all classes EXCEPT the top 5%. The money in the pockets of these assholes comes from us, the working people. Meanwhile we cant pay are bills, we worry about how were going to get the car fixed and how were going to put food on the table. It makes us edgy and angry and we take it out on each other... If we could redirect that towards some thing that make a change we would be unstopable.. How?

sorry for repost

The money from the rich people comes from people getting the car fixed and putting food on the table.

Nobody is going to make your situation better but you. Complaining that your neighbor has a better life than you does absolutely nothing to help yourself.

Distributing the money has been tried many times and ultimately ends up with 99% of the population being miserable and 1% being wealthy. You just keep changing the people who are wealthy from people who have earned it to government employees who have stolen it. And at the end the people who can not produce have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs and there is nothing but poverty, starvation and death...

You find a job, you find ways to move up in that company or find a better job, you find ways to make 100,000 per year at your job by being profitable for your company or to start a company for yourself. America is the world of fucking opportunity!!!

What is holding us back right now is Obamacare and thousands of regulations being issued by the government covering every aspect of business life. That shit costs money and that means less jobs and less productivity. We dont need more government, we need less.

The government does not make people wealthy (unless you are a government employee). You have to do that on your own.
These politicians are employees of the top 1%. We could elect a President that could change all of this if one would run and wasnt already on the payroll. Congress is bought now both repubs and dems could of changed this. It's both parties fault. What are you saying we stop paying taxes? Or we should get off welfare? People CANT get off welfair. Free and peacefull tho will emprove your quality of life, truth is were NOT free by anymeans including to "garden" what we want. I dont want to force anyone to do anything, but dont you want to relaim what is rightfully yours and mine in the first place?

Reclaim? I never stopped claiming my freedom or respecting yours. If you continue to empower others they will continue to disempower you.
Its Not obama care. This has been 60 years in the making. These people, 1%, arent my neighbors. Were being robbed. Dont listen to FOX news, msnnbc, or what ever other bull shit news. if we fight amongst each other they win, if we do nothing they win. I'm not a socilaist. people should have incentive to do better. But it should be realistic.

  • but dont you want to relaim what is rightfully yours and mine in the first place?​

What was rightfully yours? You sold your labor for a paycheck. You took the money and spent it. Now you are back asking for more?

What about the rights of the person that built the business? Are your rights suddenly superior to his?

When you worked for a company, did you agree to work there or were you forced at gunpoint? Didnt you agree to the labor contract? If it was so horrible why were you working there?

What skills can you bring to a company to make it profitable? Companies dont exist to support you, they exist to make a profit. You are only as valuable as what you can provide or produce for that company.

And ultimately if you are so fed up with your employers why dont you just start your own business? Stick it to them properly!!! The best revenge is sucess!
What was rightfully yours? You sold your labor for a paycheck. You took the money and spent it. Now you are back asking for more?

What about the rights of the person that built the business? Are your rights suddenly superior to his?

When you worked for a company, did you agree to work there or were you forced at gunpoint? Didnt you agree to the labor contract? If it was so horrible why were you working there?

What skills can you bring to a company to make it profitable? Companies dont exist to support you, they exist to make a profit. You are only as valuable as what you can provide or produce for that company.

And ultimately if you are so fed up with your employers why dont you just start your own business? Stick it to them properly!!! The best revenge is sucess!

Thats exactly what i'm doing.. im bulding my own business or tring to If i'm lucky enough to get help from a bank... Cause they run everything. I'm a skilled tradesmen. I provide a service people need. The last job i had was ran by a business man who had no idea about the products that were sold made by me. He made a living off of me cause he had the money to do it. Even still, its not that guy it's the guy at the tippy top. Why does he have more money then 95% of the rest of the people? All people are created equal? I dont need a half a trillion dollars why does he?
Thats inspirational, but how? This game isnt designed to be won.

It is not a game it is life. You are focusing on the wrong things.

I dont care who owns all the wealth in the world as long as I can obtain it through my products and/or services.

I started several businesses back in 2010. Now my income is over 80K per year and I have only my ability to determine how much more I want to make.

Start small, like a handy man or something that needs little money to start. Once that gets going enough then look toward the next step.

Spending time worrying about how to oppress people at the top will never get you anywhere. Especially if you understand that the very politicians you are asking to do the job are really the employees of the 1%.

You said you dont need a trillion dollars so who cares what they have? There is much more than a trillion to go around.
but you could be making 200k and the people making 10k could be making 50 and afford to live. It's 1%, these poor people who worked soo hard.
You seen the video things are extremley askewed. So far all ive heard was work harder and want less. Mind my business and leave them alone... I want my kids to have a future in this country. A better life that were living now.
but you could be making 200k and the people making 10k could be making 50 and afford to live. It's 1%, these poor people who worked soo hard.

Do you want some government bureaucrat telling you that you make too much money?

Because the federal government swore up and down that the FICA tax would never be over 3% and it has been 90% at some tiers. Your cap would be lowered by government as far as possible so they could soak up all that money and re-distribute it to whomever they wanted to. You are taking freedom away from people and giving it to others. You are very confused and envious.

Times are hard right now but nobody but you will make your life better. The government isnt going to *Give* you 100K per year to live on.

The government can already tell me by law how little I can make which is insulting to begin with. I dont want to put more power into the hands of people who create nothing.
Thats exactly what i'm doing.. im bulding my own business or tring to If i'm lucky enough to get help from a bank... Cause they run everything. I'm a skilled tradesmen. I provide a service people need. The last job i had was ran by a business man who had no idea about the products that were sold made by me. He made a living off of me cause he had the money to do it. Even still, its not that guy it's the guy at the tippy top. Why does he have more money then 95% of the rest of the people? All people are created equal? I dont need a half a trillion dollars why does he?

OK, 40% of the wealth is owned by 1% of Americans, you say you are currently in the lower middle class.

If there was a major money shift tomorrow and the 40% of wealth was shifted to 30% of Americans, where would that leave you?
I'll save you some time and answer it for ya, the same place you are right now.

You're getting some sound and solid advice from RobRoy and NLXSK1, you just aren't listening.
I'm listening it just doesn't make scents. I'm trying to understand. If you took 40% of there money tomorrow and distributed it to say more like 60% of the people we wouldn't be in a better place?