American Citizens, what do you think?


Active Member


Active Member
seems like they are just getting ready in case a bunch of nut bags try to shoot everyone up or hold people hostage. Just becasue this guy isn't going to kill anyone doesnt mean that some nuts out there wont. This dude is just reading too much into the matter


Well-Known Member
a group of grown men complaining about the powers at be, with limited education, and a constant source of fear, purchasing high power rifles and constantly taking part of military-type training sounds a lot like what Al-Qaeda was doing in Afganistan when the Taliban was in power.

that's all I gotta say about that.


Active Member
a group of grown men complaining about the powers at be, with limited education, and a constant source of fear, purchasing high power rifles and constantly taking part of military-type training sounds a lot like what Al-Qaeda was doing in Afganistan when the Taliban was in power.

that's all I gotta say about that.
Al Queda don't exist.


Active Member
i like the people that believe that things are ok in this country when in fact we are every day being stripped of more and more rights. as it is all they have to do is say they think you are part of a terorist organization and they can strip you of your civil rights and hold you indefinently with out council or anything under the patriot act. fuck our government as a whole. unless we stand up to the powers that be and fight for our rights than they will continue to strip them away anf force things like health care upon us. i want the right to not have health care if i dont want it i dont need some fuck in a suit that votes himself a pay raise as he sees fit telling me i have to do anything. im all for the individuals right to make up there own mind on what is best for there life. there are far to many cry baby ass people out there that think they are owed something..fuck that you have the right to make a diffrence in your life or not..if you choose not to then fuck you go sleep in the's your choice but i'll be damned if some socialistic government minded people are going to take what i work hard for so others that dont can be equal with those that do.


Active Member
a group of grown men complaining about the powers at be, with limited education, and a constant source of fear, purchasing high power rifles and constantly taking part of military-type training sounds a lot like what Al-Qaeda was doing in Afganistan when the Taliban was in power.

that's all I gotta say about that.
you might want to do your homework mr. educated before you call people like alex jones a persone of limited education.
this is nothing like afganistan. these people are preparing to defend them selves and the ones they love and everyones civil rights..not trying to build an army to force fear and terror onto civilians people that they dont like becuase of a religious belief.


New Member
i like the people that believe that things are ok in this country when in fact we are every day being stripped of more and more rights. as it is all they have to do is say they think you are part of a terorist organization and they can strip you of your civil rights and hold you indefinently with out council or anything under the patriot act. fuck our government as a whole. unless we stand up to the powers that be and fight for our rights than they will continue to strip them away anf force things like health care upon us. i want the right to not have health care if i dont want it i dont need some fuck in a suit that votes himself a pay raise as he sees fit telling me i have to do anything. im all for the individuals right to make up there own mind on what is best for there life. there are far to many cry baby ass people out there that think they are owed something..fuck that you have the right to make a diffrence in your life or not..if you choose not to then fuck you go sleep in the's your choice but i'll be damned if some socialistic government minded people are going to take what i work hard for so others that dont can be equal with those that do.
Gee, thanks for your generous contributions. If not for which I may well be sleeping in the gutter. Please keep working so I don't have to. Signed, Grateful
PS, I haven't been crying much lately, in fact since you work so hard to contribute to my well being, I have been living the lazy ass life of luxury, thanks again.


Undercover Mod
I put Alex Jones on the same level as I do Glenn Beck, and having an education does not make you sane.


Undercover Mod
We are supposed to be civilized people. Violence does not prove who is right, it only proves who is more powerful. Power and Intelligence are not one in the same.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Government is not reason, it is not eloquent, it is force. Like fire it is a dangerous servant and a fearful master.

- George Washington


Well-Known Member
We are supposed to be civilized people. Violence does not prove who is right, it only proves who is more powerful. Power and Intelligence are not one in the same.

Ask your government or your local police officer if violence doesn't prove them right. Lets ask all those Muslims over in the middle east if they feel righteous whenever they kill a soldier who has invaded their homeland. Might makes right. History is written by the victor.


Active Member
I don't like people who make a buck off of people's paranoia and/or ignorance. That includes this assclown as well as glenn beck and rush limbaugh. I'm not sure if it's worse to believe this kind of garbage or to be cynically taking advantage of our people's tendancy towards hysteria...

Most people see through it, some don't.


Well-Known Member
I don't like people who make a buck off of people's paranoia and/or ignorance.
in that case, you must detest government, most media and about everything else in modern society. playing to the people's paranoia and ignorance is how control is acquired. fortunes have been built on little more than fear and seldom is anyone elected in this country that didn't use our own paranoia to convince us of their necessity. if it isn't about fear or vanity, it has very little power.


Active Member
in that case, you must detest government, most media and about everything else in modern society. playing to the people's paranoia and ignorance is how control is acquired. fortunes have been built on little more than fear and seldom is anyone elected in this country that didn't use our own paranoia to convince us of their necessity. if it isn't about fear or vanity, it has very little power.
The biggest of them all is terrorism...


It's no coincidence, that when there's a 'false flag', a whole new wave of security is rolled out.
this is nothing like afganistan. these people are preparing to defend them selves and the ones they love and everyones civil rights..not trying to build an army to force fear and terror onto civilians people that they dont like becuase of a religious belief.
its all about perspective.. if u were muslim u may well be saying the SAME EXACT thing about musilm orgs. Oh and FYI u must be some kind of genius because i thought Right Wingers, not unlike yourself have been blocking pro cannabis legislation for the past 40 years and it was liberals who were the ones fighting for YOUR right to legally smoke weed all along but You sure opened my mind to the "truth". (Phew) Thanks for clearing that up for me, now i can get back to sucking off the system which u so generously afford all by yourself!