* "American Agriculture" 500w resistor


Well-Known Member
I recently took down a grow set-up for a patient who was a hermit, very rarely ever left his property, grew his own EVERYTHING! Had a couple 600's hoods mag ballasts etc and then this resistor he had. Does anyone have experiance with these and can they explain there pro's and con's in a indoor garden?


Well-Known Member
Yea you have 1800 watt coming out of your wall if your in USA. You need to be able to disipate the power through something. Its just a ballastimg resistor. So if you ran this in parallel with your light you would need a 1300 watt light or 2 by 650 watt lights to use the energy. If there is no resistor there, you will trip the fuse for that area. You could use a 100watt incandescent light in parallel with all that if you wanted to use the 600w lights. Its all just got to add up to 1800 and be in parallel. The direction shouldn't matter.

500w+600w+600w+100w= 1800watts
And yes you could run them hot for some amount of time.

There's probably a relay switch with it in case a light goes out.
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