America wins the Ryder cup!


Well-Known Member
Man, fuck golf.
Great reply douche!

What other sport can you get completely baked out of your mind in the middle of an excellent landscape, with a little motorized car to drive your stoned ass around and hold your cooler full of beer?

Way to shit on my rainbow ogre. Asshole.


Well-Known Member
That's what I do, man, a haters gotta hate. Probably a good idea not to take me or any ofmy bullshit too seriously though, I just like to bust balls.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree with sucks ass. but when i played i had to walk that shit and those clubs get fucking heavy.

i used to work at a country club and nothing but raging alcoholics there.

but golf is even worse when you watch it on tv...snooze fest, its better than nascar though.


Well-Known Member
i have to agree with sucks ass. but when i played i had to walk that shit and those clubs get fucking heavy.

i used to work at a country club and nothing but raging alcoholics there.

but golf is even worse when you watch it on tv...snooze fest, its better than nascar though.

It's a lot more fun with a cart, and tons of weed. I'm not good or anything, I've got shitty clubs. It's like 3-4 hours of fucking around on the best lawn ever. I just like the quiet, nice scenery.

I only watch golf on the final day, their like four days long, the Ryder cup is America vs. Europe, two teams. I watch it, and the Master's. Tige Woods is out for the season, so I haven't been watching much.

Whatever, golf is boring to people who don't like to play, I can't stand baseball, or football. Nascar fucking blows, and golf is on the same time as both, so I watch golf, it's nice to get stoned and have someone whisper the score to you, everything is calm and the commercials aren't for budweiser.

I'm not old, but golf is a game of skill, not a team sport.


Well-Known Member
i used to get lit and drive the cart that picks up all the balls on the driving range...its all fun till one of those bastards hits that metal cart and scares the shit out of you.

i'm sure i would have liked it more without all the walking..and i was underage when i played so no beers for me.

but i had to watch way too many tournaments working there to ever watch one again.

maybe later in life ill get back into it but its an expensive i doubt it.

its fucking frustrating too..ive seen plenty of people break clubs over their knee or just throw a 9 iron into the woods.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if they were baked, I doubt they'd care enough to break a club.

I'm not that good, but I don't care, it's fun.


Well-Known Member
like i said, these people were drunks and liked to put tons of cash on the line...stupid old men with their gambling problems.

anyways, it is good to hear the Americans won..shows we can at least do something..and we didnt even need tiger


Well-Known Member
Yep, america hasn't won in 10 years, I figured this thread might rile up some of the people from London that post here.

Guess I'd have to rip on Manchester united to do that.

Mank's are wanks!


Well-Known Member
Got the opportunity to go golfing the other day, remembered this thread and took my friend up on the offer. Its more fun now that I get stoned and am not a little kid trying to be happy gilmore and play with the biggest club I've got, but 18 holes are god damn endless when you're soarin'. Scale it back to nine next time. Peaceful being outside, though. I was afraid they'd send someone out to cart me away because I look like a hobo but I just got alot of mean muggin from old white dudes who talk like foghorn leghorn. Anyway, just figured I'd check in and retract some of my previous hate-age


Well-Known Member
;) told you so :p

J/k yeah, I suck, as long as I keep the driver in the bag and just play fairway woods and irons, I can keep it semi-in play. Everything's a par 5 in my book, fuck keeping score, if I hit a good putt or a nice approach, I remember it, not that I shot a 7.

It's peaceful, and nobodies allowed to bother you, or you can be a total dick to them for distracting "your game"

I'm pretty good at getting the cart up on two wheels, or ditching the passanger out the side... 180s, downhill braking drifts...

Shit's not mine, and I paid big bucks to borrow it, everyone floors a rental car, i treat a golf cart like a go-cart.

Once, some of my friends and I each got our own cart. I don't think I need to finish the story, but we paid cash and ditched the carts on 17, and walked to our cars... Offroading, getting them covered in dirt... No real damage, just a hell of a cleanup.

My friends used to be the cart cleaners, and they got fired, it was their payback. :evil: