Amazing What Happens in the Dark


Active Member
I am truly amazed at what can happen in the 12/12 cycle. Being a rookie at this I am blown away on how remarkable these plants can be. Not that these are the best shown here by a long shot, but just the progression is very much a learning session.

Oh, the last image is probably the best...That is Rhoda my 4 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback. She was a birthday present from my late wife and the smartest dog I have ever owned...she loves to hunt for squirrels in the big Pecan tree in the backyard.



Well-Known Member
its probably just me but that first pic looks like the bud is seedy or something. Also your plant looks just like a dog in your last pic.


Active Member
I am very sad to say that I now have 3 plants that look like this....bummer, and they are all White Widow's. As of this morning 28 Aug. they show seed pod even more. These pic's were all taken within the last 12 hours.

Being a first timer 'Daddy' is bummed out right now.:-? I put a lot of work into this as you all know it is a full time job looking after these cuties. Did I buy some crummy seeds or is this just the 'luck' of the draw. I have 4 more...1 WW and 3 ?'s. None of which look like the one posted. Since they look so healthy and are continuing to grow would you keep them? Not knowing any better I got seeds from Holland. One of those deal where you get 10 WW and you get 20 free seeds of an unknown's.

Now the "Rhodesian Red" aka Rhoda is my canine companion, however her hair has contains no trics.



Active Member
hang in there, 10th. you got the practice and did the work, grew some great plants, and if you do that again, chances are that next time you'll be rewarded.


Well-Known Member
Keep them growing for a bit if you can, male plants mature quickly and you can make some good hash out of them.