Amazing what a new bulb will do!


Well-Known Member
I just got my first HPS in August and have been using it on 12/12 ever since. HTG supply 400w is what it is.

When I first got it I had too much stuff running at my house and kept tripping the circuit. Then after I fixed that problem my light would flash off and the ballast would buzz -- especially when I turned on my computer. Then it kept acting up more and more.

Yesterday I finally gave in and bought a new bulb as I have read in the last few weeks that may be the cause. I was hesitant because it did not seem like a bulb would cause that kind of problem.

So I went to home depot and got a temp. $20 replacement bulb. No problems since! I have even fired up my computer a few times with no issues! Amazing how quick that bulb burnt out though. I am thinking it lost some life since it kept going on / off w/ the circuit breaker.