Amazing Cab Ventilation at a GREAT price!


Well-Known Member
So in my opinion these are some of the BEST ventilators you can get for the price(under $20 each), I ordered two, they arrived today. At first i had hooked them up to a wall charger that said it was 12v, the fans hardly blew stronger than a small pc fan, i was highly disappointed and was about to pack them up and send em back.
Then i decided you know what let me look around for another charger, i did some searching and in my tool room i found one that said it was a 12v DC like you want for these fans, it went to an old cordless house phone.
So i spliced it and hooked it up, and WOW!!! These babies blow some serious air...i decided to hook up an 8ft piece of 3 inch venting to see how well it would still blow, i put 3-90s in the tube and it still had strong airflow!
Two of these in my cab, one to exhaust the HPS and flowering space, and one for intake, even tho i havent installed these yet, i can already tell they are going to make a huge difference. I'll try to post some short video or something once i have them installed to show how effective they really are.
Im telling you now tho with the right power source, 12v DC, you will not be disappointed. I can tell you right now in most cabs, especially CFL/T5/LED setups you could run 1 of these with a passive intake and be MORE than gravy.
And if you really need to move some SERIOUS air (not that these won't)
They make these in a 4" as well for a few dollars more


Active Member
Yeah they are nice they use the to ventilate the engine compartment of boats. Pretty good idea for sure.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that the first charger you used was only around .5 amps or so. According to the specs, the 3" can draw 2.6 amps.


Well-Known Member
My guess is that the first charger you used was only around .5 amps or so. According to the specs, the 3" can draw 2.6 amps.
Yessir, and as a matter of fact, the second charger also was to low on amps it actually burned the charger up. I did get everything installed and up and running and thats when i found out the charger could'nt handle the load. Unfortunately to run two of these fans, you need a power supply with 12v DC output as well at atleast 3amps steady per fan to keep them running. What I ended up doing as a temporary solution is i used a car battery booster that also allows you to use a cigarette lighter style plug to power thing such as a spot light or a cellphone ect, it runs 12v DC with 10amps max, i rewired both fans to a proper plug and now they run perfectly. So yes this does require a more adequate power source than my original charger, but these really do move some current, i'll post some pics or video tomorrow when its their "daytime"
My cabs running at 80F with 39Rh during lights on and 70F 52rh lights off with doors closed now


Well-Known Member
Another thing to look for is old LCD monitor or laptop adapters. You won't find anything with 10A but you'll find a bunch of 3-5A so you'd have to use an adapter for each.