Amazing! 45W LED Grow Light Panel Red Blue Lighting is so cool.

I'm pretty sure your CFLs are doing all the work there. Those boards are most charitably described as toys. They have 45 w of leds running at around 14-17 w. I couldn't get anything to grow right under them. Mushrooms maybe. Disco floor tiles, definitely - there's probably a couple of cheesy Shanghai nightclubs using them right now.

They are okay with seedlings and babies when mixed with t5 or t8
Maybe they can keep your kitchen herbs alive, but not more!
I would prefer to give my seedlings a better light and not to restrict them to red and blue only.

You can set the clock after that, once a week some of these guys are trying to get rid of a "new" version of their crappy products here with descriptions like "outstanding, extraordinary or amazing" ...
And usually they are just as fast disappeared as they come in, Lol!
the only thing I would do with these is buy 2 and use them as side lighting to use in combination with my mars 300.. but.. even then they're are these other cheap pannels i actually really like that are a mix of red/uv/IR and they're only 28.50$ shipped.

I plan on buying 2 of the pannels im talking about and using those as side light in flower
I reported hte thread he started today in the Gardening section and it got deleted within half hour. Guess it depends who comes online.
the only thing I would do with these is buy 2 and use them as side lighting to use in combination with my mars 300.. but.. even then they're are these other cheap pannels i actually really like that are a mix of red/uv/IR and they're only 28.50$ shipped.

I plan on buying 2 of the pannels im talking about and using those as side light in flower
Links :)? Sound cool!