Amature Bud Porn..... First Grow results


Well-Known Member
This is almost 4 weeks in 12/12. I just thought I would post some pictures of my naked bitches. Oh yeah, my little grow will be legal within 10 day F, F'ing Yeah!!!!



Well-Known Member
Does the bud size look right for 4 weeks? I don't know the strain but does this look like typical growth rate?


Well-Known Member
So my buds have doubled in trichomes in 2 days. Woopy.... I get my HPS up next week so hopefully I will finish the last month off with my 2000k bulb. That can only help right? I have been grwing with a 3700k frosted MH just because thats all I had at the time. Now that I am legal I will have a 300 watt cfl room 400 watt MH 6500k room and a HPS room. woop woop!