Well-Known Member
...guys....moment for other icecreams round...
...what a summer ehhh...
...what a summer ehhh...
I'm not sure to whom you are referring. So many words that lack referential index. (look it up)let me educate you then. obvious led company owners were in here making violent threats towards the led so respect is earned first not freely given. now ya know your welcome. they made their bed now enjoy it.
That is a shame.You'll need a thick skin to hang here,the only time I've seen mods step in was to defend trolls,that's how I saw it any way. Facts and science is not welcomed by the trolls.
Never intended to make it sound like the Amare won't grow a quality product. I just think there are better values out there with newer LEDS that should also yield better.
That is a shame.
Since I have seen so much rudeness here, I only stop in from time to time. And it is true that trolls do not care much for facts and science. They are mainly trying to steer conversations, not genuinely participate.
This kind of negativity seems to be what rollitup is becoming known for. And that's a shame as it weakens their brand and value in the marketplace. Thank goodness there are other, more adult forums where people are intent on being helpful. One such forum is the forum.
I'm not sure to whom you are referring. So many words that lack referential index. (look it up)
I come giving respect and expecting the same. It is a common decency in civilized gatherings. Maybe you are suggesting that this forum doesn't qualify as such?
Personally I know of no threats. I see people treating each other here with contempt and disrespect way more than is necessary. If there were threats, those should not be tolerated by this forum or any other. If done by owners of LED light companies, I'm certain I would never buy from them and I bet most people wouldn't no matter what the offering. That would be equivalent to setting themselves on fire.
I asked not for education from you or anyone else. And I only "accept" the "bed" that I make for myself. And in the future, should I feel as if you can be of help in an area for which I lack "education" and I determine that you have that knowledge, I will be sure to ask.
My comments were fair and respectful and based on my own experience - both with lights that I have purchased with my own money and the behavior I have witnessed here on this forum.
I meant precisely what I said. "Who exactly" would be relevant to use for one specific violation of referential index. Instead I used the term indicating in general what you did since I didn't feel like writing a lengthy post pointing out each of the times you did it. I'm not sure what a "lawyer tone" is but try the tone of a phD in linguistics.referential index? your in the wrong forum. you mean who exactly but in a lawyer tone? thats not for me to investigate.and by the way this was the number one site for growing with leds until the rush of salesman came through. You didn't notice? you seem quite intelligent. Didn't notice threats then you are in the minority. didn't ask if you wanted an education either
and i don't have time to teach people how to wire positive and negative with a low voltage driver cob and heatsink. I learned without the help of this forum initially just by looking at reef diy storefront parts and tutorials. there is info everywhere on the subject including here.
thats enough time wasted in one day on led crap non grow or fun related.
I meant precisely what I said. "Who exactly" would be relevant to use for one specific violation of referential index. Instead I used the term indicating in general what you did since I didn't feel like writing a lengthy post pointing out each of the times you did it. I'm not sure what a "lawyer tone" is but try the tone of a phD in linguistics.
And like I said, due to the volatility and lack of courtesy here, and a generally hostile environment, I spend little time here. Thank you for helping me prove my point. I have not seen threats. And again, I stand on what I said. Any company threatening growers would be committing business suicide. I can't imagine a company rising to that level of self destruction. But maybe they did. And again, that should not be tolerated. I don't think I'd be far off to state that consumers would run from that sort of thing.
My thought is that one might be best served by "educating" those that ask for it instead of singling someone out like me and foisting your opinion where it was not requested. Or at the least respond in general instead of singling people out. I neither want the negativity nor requested it.
Funny how you say you don't have the time to teach people how to wire... Etc. Yet at least on this thread, I see no one asking you either. LOL
And I agree that this is enough time wasted. Like I wrote, people seem to confuse the minutia for the big picture. If we all work at a higher chunk level (meaning Big Picture level, if you prefer) this petty nonsense would disappear. To me, it's all about the love of growing. To some, I guess, it's about the love of chest pounding.
Like @captainmorgan says, maybe I just need to wade through the BS. So I guess I'll get to wading.
Not sure to whom you made a point - certainly not to me. Nor am I sure what point you tried to make. But whatever. I'm a wading. You too have a nice day.meh...made my point. have a nice day.
Like @captainmorgan says, maybe I just need to wade through the BS. So I guess I'll get to wading.
2 wrongs don't make a right. But 2 wright's made an airplane.
Ok, sir. Even though I knew there will be reaction like this so how am I supposed to handle this situation to your liking. Let's do this. I will never ever recommend anything again because it wil be construed according to a person's belief be it good or bad. So I'll let OutofLEDCloset answer u how he/she thinks I should proceed. I encourage the audience to decide foe me cause I'm really tired and turned off by this display of envy, pre-meditated prejudice, and just outright backward thinking. Seriously, what the hell do I have to gain from this and if I'm not allow to answer questions then what is the purpose of platforms like these are for... To promote biased, unfounded, self-proclaimed thread experts. U really think I can benefit in anywasy participating in discussions like this? Monkey's tired of this bs, really people. What the hell am I doing wrong or am I offending anyone. Regarding my pasts, yeash maybe I tend to ramble on often because I'm highly medicated and have actually paid attention to my teachers and willing to keep an open mind to learn because no one knows everything, sir. And by the way, if there's any other doubts u have, I'm more than happy to disappoint u or anyone else that pulls this kind of bs when I didn't provoke anyone.
No, I don't have one of those as it's hella ghetto. Maybe for u though. I never like to perform self-fellatio, but am forced by individuals like u that challenge a person just because the have the testicles to question and buck the systems. And by the way if u ever had any kind of education, you will know that all major colleges require more than grades but also excel in extra curricular activities. So because I've experienced life that makes be a bullshitter, right. All people who said they've traveled and experienced many things in life are automatically full of feces, correct sir. No, this forum is not an open forum according to u so please don't contradict yourself.
right on brotherguess your the number one authority? looking through your post history zero threads started just fighting about leds. no thanks don't want any. was just my opinion, used to be my favorite site i'm sure that thought is well mirrored
again no thanks don't want any. argue with someone about leds who wants to hear it
That is a shame.
Since I have seen so much rudeness here, I only stop in from time to time. And it is true that trolls do not care much for facts and science. They are mainly trying to steer conversations, not genuinely participate.
This kind of negativity seems to be what rollitup is becoming known for. And that's a shame as it weakens their brand and value in the marketplace. Thank goodness there are other, more adult forums where people are intent on being helpful. One such forum is the forum.
Love it Hyroot!