AMA - UncleBuck

that's more than humane, the raccooon goes out to some of the happiest dreams imaginable. needs to be more cruel.
last time I killed a racoon I just held the .22 out to it. curious little fucker came up grabbed the barrel and looked right into it. I like to imagine he saw the bullet coming.

put scoops of peanut butter on a sock then turn the sock inside out. fuckers will go put their heads in the sock to get the peanut butter...and well then you can have your way with them while they are engrossed in sticky goodness
@UncleBuck Here's my question:

In collegiate writing, is it inappropriate to use your own personal experience in an essay? (Unless, of course, your personal self is supposed to be the topic, but that's not typically the case in essays...)
@UncleBuck Here's my question:

In collegiate writing, is it inappropriate to use your own personal experience in an essay? (Unless, of course, your personal self is supposed to be the topic, but that's not typically the case in essays...)

i think it completely depends on the paper, the class, even the professor to some extent. fill me in.
Skin structures class. Paper is on psoriasis. Extremely laid back professor. But. I'd like a professional-sounding essay and project regardless. Its a group project.
nope, no personal anecdotes about your psoriasis, bro. keep it clinical, dude. best of luck, man.
I just want you to know, I am sooo taking a screenshot of this with me to class. Imma be like "Omg see? Even fucking UncleBuck says to keep it clinical."
My group member wants to use her daughter as our basis. And even pictures of her daughter in our PowerPoint. Psh. She thinks i'm just saying that because I don't like her (I don't), but all I said was collegiate writing should be completely objective, unbiased, and based on research. Because it freaking should be. But I kinda felt like...if I said that first you'd take her side even if you thought otherwise lol. So. There's that. Thank you!