Am i ready for nutes? (picture)


Active Member
hey ok just got my Grow big ff in mail!
Fox farm ocean soil
ph : 6.5
Aprrox 3 weeks old.

Question: I just watered my baby. but then my package arrived lol! like literally after. Should i wait 2 more days to water? or is it ok to just rewater with the grow big mix?
Question #2: Does my baby look ready for nutes? i think she is.
thanks for any help

#3: im usign Foxfarm website but i dont see how much to feed :( wtf does "sledge hammer flush mean 2 tbs /gallon. Thats a different way of say 2tb for a gallon? so give 1/8 of that or what?

By djwaters22 at 2012-07-11


Well-Known Member
Nice looking baby, what kind of soil is that? Most soil has nutes mix in allready, I would water for a while and see how it's doing it will show signs of needing nutes eventually.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you can start feeding now, just go very easy with the first couple doses. Start with 1/4 slowly work your way to full strength. Since you just watered I would wait 2 days before feeding.
I agree completely with majek.. The only thing is watering. I'd wait till you need to water/feed to avoid drowning. At that size I didn't water for a week cuz it stayed moist, but it all depends. Every gal is different and has different water schedules. For all I know it could be two days from now. Looks good tho, and minor nutes right now will deff do wonders.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
the ocean forest already has veg nutes in it. you dont need to feed for a couple more weeks imo. i would say by then your going to transplant to a bigger pot and add more ocean forest so you wont need to feed then either.

the only thing i would be giving it is water and maybe a little bit of big bloom.


Active Member
the ocean forest already has veg nutes in it. you dont need to feed for a couple more weeks imo. i would say by then your going to transplant to a bigger pot and add more ocean forest so you wont need to feed then either.

the only thing i would be giving it is water and maybe a little bit of big bloom.
big bloom already? she isnt even in flowering stage yet. hmmm.

And to everybody else, thx for comments. I just transplanted from some micracle grow 2 days ago. and also i can a 7.2 ph.
but now i got Ocean FF soil and 6.5 ph :D they are loving it!!

but i only got 3X 20w 5k kelvin and 2X40w 2500 kelvin cfls. I need to buy more 40w i think soon!


Well-Known Member
FFOF soil does have everything your plants need for about a month or more, I use it too. But I also like to add bone/blood meal to the mix and I start feeding my plants after about 1.5 weeks from seed. It never hurts anything only helps. Just be careful with young plants not to over-feed.


Keep It Simple Stupid. Don't feed yet, the plant is so small still and hasn't used up the nutes in the FFO soil yet. If you start adding nutes now you'll definitely end up in trouble by 4th week of flowering when your soill is so full of nutes that everything will be in lockdown and you'll be trying to rescue them and thus lowering your yield. I wouldn't start giving them nutes untill it starts to show a bit of deficiency, the plant can't use any more nutes than it needs/can use, just sticking more nutes to the soil will hinder results instead of increasing them. Rember less is more.


Well-Known Member
a lot of diffrent oppinions :shock: hard to make up your mind Im sure ..

but yea they do look nice ..

and one thing I have learnd is .. dont fix anything that is`t broken .. you end up doing more harm then good ..

try to keep it simple ..

as some said you would soon have to consider to repot it in to its final pot ..
so I would just wait .. give it a week more or so .. find a nice 3-5 gallon pot with some nice drain holes and do a carefull repotting

then give it atlest 3 weeks more before you start on nutriens .. I know its hard .. I also wanted to do my girls good asap. but truth is that you wont be feeding them much doing Veg. (unless you Veg for 10 weeks or keep em in some realy small pot with some bad soil)

maybe insted do some research about soil mix:

if you make the right mix you can completly avoyd nutriens in your water .. you dont even have to PH your water if you got enough micro life in your soil ... its a sciens so might not be for you ?


Well-Known Member
i would hold off. the FFOF is hot. has every thing ya need. in fact.......i wouldn't feed until flower, if it is growing well.


Well-Known Member
i would hold off. the FFOF is hot. has every thing ya need. in fact.......i wouldn't feed until flower, if it is growing well.
This. I grow in FFOF and don't feed till flower. Veg nutes just aren't needed, but I only veg for a month, maybe a month and a half.