Am i ready for 12/12 flip? IS THAT AN BALL?


Active Member
Hello to all my fellow growers. i have here two wonder woman, and one white widow, and one auto somango. wonder woman in the back is 30 days old,,,, the front right is 15 days old almost bigger than the first one. the white widow is 22 days old not growing much, well no next to the wonder woman... AS A NEWBIE I THINK HEAT WAS WAY UP AT FIRST. BUT THEY CAME OUT STRONG..I WENT TO 12/12 TWO DAYS AGO. IS THAT A BALL? ITS ALL SINGLE STRINGS WHEN I MOVED IT..ITS NOT A SOLID BALL... BUT ITS TINY AS HELL.. I HOPE ITS NOT AN BALL..kush 005.jpgkush 004.jpgkush 003.jpgkush 002.jpgkush 001.jpg


Well-Known Member
it might just be a node but keep a very close eye on it. also auto flowering strains need longer light periods to produce a decent yield for auto flower switching to 12\12 now your plants will most likely double in size so keep that in mind


Active Member
node or calyx see if a white pistil comes out then you know its female

Thanks budgoro88, Like i said i was just flipping the big ones the auto is a seedling still just broke dirt 36 hrs ago..... i will keep that in mind about the zise grow with the flip... first grow hope there girs...well at least one of them... Thanks


Well-Known Member
dont look like a ball, but yeah keep agood eye,whats your lighting for flower,most people flip at 30 days or 18" averaging 1-2 oz,also ,us indoor growers have to utilize vertical lighting very well,i would look into topping n tying down ,more tops = more yield, also i see you trim the leaves,I always try Not too,think of leaves as solar panels plants get all there energy from light besides nutes,n water of course IF anything just cut half the leaf if the leaf is blocking light on good bud site.leaving half the leaf still lets the plant produce sugar=energy plz dnt be afraid to rep up lol