Am I over or underwatering my clones? Or is it something else?

Hi all,

I received 5 clones about a week ago from a friend (who got it from a grower moving out of town). Their leaves were always a bit droopy, but now they're really curled down and I honestly can't tell if I'm over/under-watering them (I've killed seedlings before from over watering). Here are some details on my grow setup:

Plant age: ~1 month (not 100% sure)
Strain: Not sure
Grow medium: soil
Watering schedule: 1x every day or every other day (moisture meter says the grow medium is still moist atm) w/ ~6.5 pH water (bottled or distilled). No nutes have been used since I've owned the plants, but I do have Jungle Juice Micro.
Lighting: 2x 60w cfls (the hanging light is normally closer), which are on 24/7.

Here are some images:

Any help for a new grower would be great! Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
don't go by a oisture meter what kind of soil is that???? they look very dry and starving... those cups have drainage right
hi am new here but no quite a few things about growing, i also received some clones 5 week ago that looked like that but mine was in rockwool i repotted the clones in coco an give them some first feed at 5.6 ph an a week later they were fine an now they are doing great it could also be your light cycle try doing 18/6 an giving the a sleep let me no how you go.
The cups do have drainage, and the growing medium looks more like cocoir than soil on the top. And yes, it is dry on the top, but moist at the very bottom (when I stick my finger in the drainage hole).

However, I do own Foxfarm Ocean Forest soil as well as a new hydroponic grow kit (trying out both hydro and soil setups). Not sure if I should transplant them yet though.


Looks dry to me. Watch out on the Ocean/Forest it might be a bit hot to put cutting into, I use it but dilute it 50/50 with something like the Light Warrior seedling mix.
Maybe put a cover over all your clones until you get a better root system going, be sure to remove the dome once or twice a day to refresh the air supply and reduce excess moisture build up. Also keep an eye on your temps, clones do best at 70*f to 77*f for me.
Good luck...


Well-Known Member
it's dry... water it...
some plants don't like 24/7 switch to 20/4 or 18/6...
Feed plants, they are yellowing from no nutes...

hope that helps...


Hi all,

I received 5 clones about a week ago from a friend (who got it from a grower moving out of town). Their leaves were always a bit droopy, but now they're really curled down and I honestly can't tell if I'm over/under-watering them (I've killed seedlings before from over watering). Here are some details on my grow setup:

Plant age: ~1 month (not 100% sure)
Strain: Not sure
Grow medium: soil
Watering schedule: 1x every day or every other day (moisture meter says the grow medium is still moist atm) w/ ~6.5 pH water (bottled or distilled). No nutes have been used since I've owned the plants, but I do have Jungle Juice Micro.
Lighting: 2x 60w cfls (the hanging light is normally closer), which are on 24/7.

Here are some images:
View attachment 2504858View attachment 2504859View attachment 2504860

Any help for a new grower would be great! Thanks in advance.
my 2 cents - I've seen this many times. First I would get those into bigger pots - they dont have to be huge just bigger than those cups. Also it looks like you have a mag deficiency. this is a common problem with people using bottled or RO water. either switch to tap water that you let sit out for 24hrs (thats all i use for my plants) or add a bottle cof cal/mag to your nutes. they'll be happy again within 48hrs. :weed:
Thank you all for your input. They're doing much better now. I'm watering them about once a day (every other watering w/Jungle Juice micro) and changed the lighting schedule.

However, they are sort of droopy still. I'm not sure if that has anything to do with temperature/humidity. My temp ranges from 72-80*F and is currently 75*F. Humidity is around 45%-50%

Also, when is a good time to re-pot? I'll be growing a few in soil and the rest in hydro.

Oh, and my Ak 48 seedlings are looking great. >>IMG_3565.jpgIMG_3566.jpg


Well-Known Member
The Leafs are pretty bright, I'd say it's underwatering cause of the bright leafs.. Idk.