am i on track.

So I’m 18 days into bloom
Final pot is 3 gallon. Growing in soil.
Just wanna know if my plants look good
I’m worried about the yellowing In the fan leaves.
Had a bit of high ppm but now it’s ok. Ph is on track.
Also wanna know if I’m on track. And any suggestions on what to expect as yield per plant.



Well-Known Member
Looks good! that yellowing may be Cal Mg deficiency. Your at the right stage for it to show. Yield? Bout a pound. Just had to get that’s out of the way. I’ll guess 1/2-3/4 gm per watt of actual light output if you don’t make too many mistakes.
Looks good! that yellowing may be Cal Mg deficiency. Your at the right stage for it to show. Yield? Bout a pound. Just had to get that’s out of the way. I’ll guess 1/2-3/4 gm per watt of actual light output if you don’t make too many mistakes.
Tnx for the answer. Any advise on not making to many mistakes. It’s my first grow


Well-Known Member
First, don’t think about yields. Just get that out if your head. Focus on growing nice happy healthy plant. Second don’t over fertilize. They will grow pretty fast with pretty minimal inputs. Finally, be patient and don’t harvest too early.