Am i missing something???


I have about 6 ladies that have had some spotting on the leaves. i found a couple small thrips and treated all the plants with Spinosad. (great stuff by the way) i just want to make sure that there isnt something else going on. the spots in the pics look different than the leaves with the thrips on them. i have also been battling fungus gnats. i really just want to know what is causing the spotting like that. i have look everywhere to try and find it but nothing i have found looks exactly like it. so here is what im running....

Light: 600 watt HPS
Soil: Sunshine Advanced #4
Nutrients: Botanicare
all PH is going in @ 6.8
Strain: Thai Stick & 5 short
Temps: 75-85 f

i really appreciate any help figuring this out!

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Well-Known Member
Damage doesn't go away. As long as not increasing..ol damage. pic of whole plant? new growth look good?


Yeah i do know it wont go away but i just dont know that thrips did these marks. the new growth looks good so far. most of the spotting is from the middle down. i will add some more pics of the new growth and whole plant. do the spots look like thrips only? just wanted to make sure i dont have another issue. my ladies are going into the 3rd week of 12/12.