am i growing the minis


all my plants lately sprout just fine then they stay very tiny never get any bigger but they are still green just super small any help please . I am growing some seedman seeds auto flower


Well-Known Member
Need a lot more information to be able to really help (and pictures). Based on my experience with these kinds of questions and as a SWAG, I'd say overwatering, that's the problem most of the time. Answers to the below questions will help dial in the best answer.

What are you growing in? (Soil, coco, hydro?) and brand.
What are your watering habits?
What's your temp and R/H?
What kind of light, and how close?
PH of the water?
Fertilizer? What kind and when?
all my plants lately sprout just fine then they stay very tiny never get any bigger but they are still green just super small any help please . I am growing some seedman seeds auto flower
as phytoplankton said, pictures of your setup would be immensely helpful to determine whats wrong
without any other info we can assume its likely the issue most new growers have, overwatering.
you could start by letting the soil get dry, not bone dry, but just damp. after this, water a small, small amount every day, or a slightly larger amount every 2 or so days. If the soil is too wet it suffocates the roots and the plants will often get root rot, then die.


Well-Known Member
You don’t say what your growing experience is, but I always recommend for beginners to start with photos, not autos. Autos can be a bit finnicky as seedlings, and, if for any reason, they stall, there’s no time to recover!before they start flowering.