Am I FUCKED or WHAT?!?!?


Ive had these girls (or what I thought were girls) in budding for almost 8 weeks now. Yet sadly Ive started to notice some balls. When I first seen them about a week ago, I was kinda worried. Until I seen that there were hairs comming out of them so I thought i was safe. But now these balls are looking more like SEEDS!!!!! What should I do? Thats 9 plants that are going to end up fucking me in the ass!!!



I actually just did that, and its a seed forsure.. I just dont know what could have happen tho? All the plants showed white hairs within the first two weeks of 12/12? Im just still in shock.. Need to smoke more...


Active Member
did the plants endure any stress during flowering like interrupted light cycle or heat stress, its look like ur plants hermied on u, its not the end of the world though u could always make hash with them


Well-Known Member
yeah...just nip off all those tiny bombs till harvest.

happens to all of us sometime...still get ya ripped too.


Well-Known Member
What? those are perfectly good buds.... Some of the advice getting flung about round here is gettin deep....

did the plants endure any stress during flowering like interrupted light cycle or heat stress, its look like ur plants hermied on u, its not the end of the world though u could always make hash with them


Well-Known Member
Have you found any blown open pollen sacs anywhere? You should be able to spot yellow pollen somewhere..


Theyve been fine. No heat or light. I just dont understand about the hairs that are coming out of the ends? How the fuck can a "hermie" look so damn beautiful and smell so dank.. It was SD and CC.


I do actually recall seeing a yellwo type dusting on the leafs a few weeks ago.. Wish i would have known then. It even looks like one plant is a lot further along. Actual seeds can pop out. Should i pluck as many as I can? Or just got a head and get some bubble bags? And thank the good hemp lord that I have clones!!! :)
Have you found any blown open pollen sacs anywhere? You should be able to spot yellow pollen somewhere..


Active Member
Definitely pollinated, the buds do look like they will be decent to smoke. figure out why they got pollinated.

Grumpy Old Dreamer

Well-Known Member
Just carry on growing and worry about the couple of seeds later, it looks like you had a very small hermie problem and other than the hassle of removing seeds before you smoke, it shouldn't be a problem.


New Member
dude likr you I just had a plant give miracle birth...mad confused....i had a male but i killed it at 2 weeks of flowering so idk wtf happaned...ho well just 2 seeds no biggy.


Well thanks for all the help guys! I guess Ill have to keep a better eye on the clones! The bud its deff dank and I hope everything still goes well. As in having enough actual bud to smoke rather than all the seeds! The heady buds look good still... Not any or very few seed pods. They seem to be more down low.