Am I doing it right??? Any suggestions/comments appreciated


Active Member
ok well sadly my selection at a big ass lowes was ceramic 4 in pots with no holes in the bottom, i picked them up since they were all i could do without driving across town. they have a slick finish so it shouldnt be hard to take the plants out later... im assuming i need holes in the bottom for water to drain, am i correct in this? If so i will just drill holes in them. also got miracle grow seedling potting mix, again my only option besides some other stuff that had a ton of bark and shit in it so i went with that. So far its still questionable but the seeds seems to be coming along very slowly, stunted from the cold the other night but i think at least some will pull thru. if they make any real progress i will start with pics but im not gonna bother till then...


Well-Known Member
Ya, you should have holes in the bottom of the pots for water to drain and get oxygen to the lower roots. I don't know if you can drill a hole in those, If you end up destroying the pot you could use like 1/2 in of little rocks at the bottom of the pot. I been using these smart pots, they are just cloth. got an old sock or thick material you can line the pot with? I haven't tried it but I think that would help. Yea that seedling potting mix should be fine. probably has a good amount of nitrogen. good move staying away from that tan bark crap. Pretty sure that's pretty acidic.


Active Member
k i just checked they wont break so im golden on the pots. Now, to satisfy another part of my seemingly endless curiosity can you make plants smaller than they typically get by governing how high the lights are ( not moving the lights up when they are at desired height. in a month or two i will have a more permanent setup in a crawlspace but the box would have to be 36 in tall (maybe 40 but that pushing it)x 12-14 in wide x however long i want. I can make the box wider only if i shorten it (slanted ceiling).by going to maybe 34 in or so i can make the width probs around 18-24in. I can build either way i just dont really know what would be ideal.


Well-Known Member
Well that is kind of a curious question, most people wanna grow them big. I can tell you what I think, If I wanted a plant to grow slowly I wouldnt water it often. I would wait till its drooping a bit every time. I did that before not trying to get it to grow slow I just kept forgetting to water it. Took forever to grow. Cooler temps slows growth. Another way is to keep the size of the pot small so it gets root bound, do a bonsai thing to it. If you are going to go outdoors with them I don't think that's a good idea though. You cal always top them and keep the lights close.


Active Member
small is ideal because im growing for myself, so size is not a big deal as long as i get some good bud and a moderate yield thats fine