Am I at risk for mold?


Well-Known Member
My buddy told me to watch for mold in about a month based on my relatively short dry cycle and I'm looking for other opinions.
Here's what happened.

My tent is in my garage.
I chopped my plants at their base and hung them in my tent with a dehumidifier set to 50% because I live in a humid zone.
We had a few unusual days of dry humidity weather during the drying.
After about 5 days they felt ready to jar. I left the lids off some jars for an extended period that hit 70% but for the most part the jars are in the low 60% range now.

They smell intense.
They have been jarred for 6 days.

When they stabilize at about 62% (which they are) do they still need to be "burped"?

Am I at risk for mold based on the information above?

I have a vacuum seal tool for my quart Mason jars. Should I vacuum seal them or at what point should I?
