Am i an idiot? (jiffy pellets/germination)


Active Member
I put seeds in jiffy pellets last friday and as i monitored the progress i started to get impatient. I read up on jiffy pellets and realized i pushed the seeds too far in the pellet. So the other day i started digging out some of the pellet material to see what's been going on under there. I noticed that each seed has popped open, but what I'm wondering is if checking on them like this was a mistake. Could i have done any damage to their progress by doing this? I left some of the material off to the side after digging it out because I was afraid the sprouts would never surface. The pellets have been in their dome, covered, and under a t5 florescent light. What do you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Really, I check my sprouts like that too to make sure they are germinating, everything turns out fine, just don't directly scratch them and whatnot but I think even that would be fine unless you totally tear it apart or crush it. They will grow surely.


Active Member
Really, I check my sprouts like that too to make sure they are germinating, everything turns out fine, just don't directly scratch them and whatnot but I think even that would be fine unless you totally tear it apart or crush it. They will grow surely.
Whew! That's nice to hear. How long would you say they normally take to sprout for you?


Well-Known Member
I germinated a seed and put it in soil.. I checked on it that way and when I watered it by mistake it got free and floating in the water, taproot and all.. I put it back in and it seems to be growing fine so I don't think you destroyed them or anything.


Well-Known Member
If you saw the seed crack open then you can expect it to germiante just try to wait I know it's annoying though. Ain't nothin but a game of patience right here.


Well-Known Member
sorry but jiffy pellets suck,they tend to not allow the baby to grow the full root potential,im sayin that they tend to restrain the root growth,your suppose to grow with the same medium from start to finish for best results. jiffys are good for growin hard root plants like maple trees,ect

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Man! Now I'm freaking out again because it's day 8 and nothing's showing.
A lot of times, even though you germinate them in a paper towel, they will sometime take up to 14 days to pop open. I also Agree with Wackymack, I do not like Jiffy pucks. But I do admit they were what I tried first also. My mother started her plants that way when I was a child. I use Rapid Rooters myself. After i have germed my seeds in a paper towel.
Good luck with you baby's.


Well-Known Member
i use ptm and get them cracked a day or less after goin in and then when cracked they hit the soil and within 12hr they all pop out of the ground and strive for the light. i guess im succesful lol


Well-Known Member
you want to Make sure you eveny pushed all the seeds to almost the same length so they all grow the same size and treat them all the same take all the sproutlings out of the pellets and re plant them still a littel bit underground. Take care cuz they will get big under the right supervision!!1

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
i use ptm and get them cracked a day or less after goin in and then when cracked they hit the soil and within 12hr they all pop out of the ground and strive for the light. i guess im succesful lol
I have many of my seeds crack within 24 hours. But you and I have probably gotten a little practice at it. When someone is new, a lot of times they just do not have those perfect conditions. Same thing with Clones. I have a lot of them root in 5-7 days, but I just had a cutting pop roots just yesterday, after 23 days. It even started showing sex while it was rooting, with 24/7 lighting. :o



Active Member
This is my first grow attempt, so I don't expect things to go perfectly. I know there are things I've done wrong up to this point. I was at home depot buying supplies and I thought I might be able to find some rockwool cubes, but when i asked a worker if they carried them he brought me to peat pellets. I didn't know what they were so i just bought them. So that was mistake 1. I didn't use the ptm which may have been mistake 2, but I've seen other people just go right into soil with no prep so that's what i did. Also, my box has a t5 light with two bulbs and up until a few days ago it had no ventilation. Temps were pretty high in there, but I didn't think this would be too big of a deal seeing as I'm only in the germ stage. Do you guys think i should do like larzpotatoe says, and pull the sproutlings out and replant them in soil instead of the pellets? Thanks to all of you for your input, all advice is greatly appreciated.



Active Member
Well i just took the seedlings out of the peat pellets. It appears as though they all have little taproots coming out but they are barely out there. I just put them all in a wet paper towel in a baggy. I think i was under watering, but I'm not sure. I really hope i didn't push them to the brink of death.


Well-Known Member
I dunno bout you, but it didn't take long for em to realize even before starting growing that any idea of germianting OUTSIDE of the main medium is just idiotic, no matter what the benefits (no offense to you, just the idea). The closer to nature the better, the less interaction the better is what I would say. Just put em where you want em and leave em alone.


Well-Known Member
Iv used jiffy pots fine, paper towels (dont pull the root out, tear the paper) and just soil but the main thing is to give them time and not fuck with them. If the soil/jiffy/whatever is moist the seed will grow, 2 weeks later you can dig it up and figure out what went wrong but there isnt any reason to fuck with seedlings before a while has gone by, you do more damage then good fuckin with them.