always something new to learn about a 4.5 billion year old planet

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No, the earth really is flat. And the government's all over the world have been keeping this from us. Why you ask, simple, see the under side is chocked fucking full of Klondike bars, and,,,,,,,,
,,,well, ,,,,,what would you do for a Klondike bar? Answer, lie your ass off of course.
Wal Thornhill expounded on Vilokovsky and Birkelands ideas on this very subject AND our "science" is still guessing. If it doesn't fit into the knowledge filter it doesn't get funding. Independents have most of the answers but main steam ignores them. Don't be suspicious and look for yourselves you'll be accused of being a CooCoo.

The Electric Universe explains everything without convoluted theory math.
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Or if you’re willing to believe anything tossed in front of you. You are not impressing
Or if you’re willing to believe anything tossed in front of you. You are not impressing
The concept has been around 100 years. Hardly an idea thats just "tossed out there". Do you even know what you are saying? Which country are you in?
How do we tap into this electric universe so we don't have to cover our planet with unsightly windmills and solar panels so we can phase out fossil fuels?
How do we tap into this electric universe so we don't have to cover our planet with unsightly windmills and solar panels so we can phase out fossil fuels?

Nikola Tesla figured it out but was suppressed by big $.
First by Edison then by JP Morgan. Morgans the one who pulled funding after he figured out Tesla was trying to transmit free wireless energy. Tesla was one of the greatest minds. He was very interesting and focused ALL of his efforts on his work which produced over 700 patents globally.
Or if you’re willing to believe anything tossed in front of you. You are not impressing

It takes a little practice to teach yourself to relearn. Here Ill spoon feed you one of the Thunderbolt projects ideas. Lichtenberg patterns are everywhere in nature. Lightening / plasma strikes also have these patterns.
A large plasma strike to the Earth probably formed these patterns
like this screen shot I captured from Google Earth. These patterns practically cover most of the areas around the Grand Canyon and smaller versions across the map as well.
The same patterns appear when a plasma strike makes contact with soil including the small balls scientist call "blue berries" like the rover comes across on Mars.
Use your eyes and common sense when looking at these formations.
A massive plasma strike would also explain rising mountain peaks as this is what happens when plasma strikes on soil as well. Don't take my word for it. Go look up some images on plasma strikes and soil.
Plasma strikes also would explain petrification but Ill let you try figure it out on your own. My conclusion was astonishing to say the least.
If you are not looking for this type information you won't find it.

You can thank me later for bringing this to your attention when you finally wake up.
Show me where energy can be beamed like you attribute to Tesla’s tech?

You can’t bury basic shit like that forever. This is urban legend, as is most of what you post.

I find you lacking in credibility.
Show me where energy can be beamed like you attribute to Tesla’s tech?

You can’t bury basic shit like that forever. This is urban legend, as is most of what you post.

I find you lacking in credibility.

You can take my quotes out of context all you like but it doesn't bode well. I find you lacking in all aspects of the word.
Tesla died almost 75 years ago. Technology has moved on. You can’t hide basic science like you think.

It’s easy to maintain your bravado when you get to make things up. You’re very typical of conspiracy theorists. Full of themselves while flaunting basic science.

You’re a waste of my time
You don't know anything about Tesla. He invented much of what you are using today. If you had read about him you would know that and could save yourself the embarrassment.
Why be ignorant when the information is available. << Rhetorical.
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