Always learning.


Well-Known Member
When the idea to grow first came up, it was a "hey what lf." When my wife finally agreed to let me start a grow I, like most members here, had no idea what to do. It took a few attemps to find what works for me. I still read and find new tips and tricks and have better and better grows. I've gotten a ton of what I know right here on good 'ol RUI. This grow I finally got my ducks in a row and got the missing piece for my first perpetual grow. I have 6 plants going now, 3 of them have been flowering for 9 days and the others were planted straight in soil on 9/25. I'll putting 3 more beans in the dirt on monday. I'm using a 600w hps in a 4x4x7 tent to flower and a 400 mh in a 2x2x5 closetto veg. I'm quite happy with the way things are looking and would like to thank all of you that have helped me get this far, you know who you are.
very nice looking plants ... cudos to you and your advisors .. but mostly to you .. you doing the work !!

happy growin
looking really healthy, but real bushy. id prune a few leaves so they can get light to the lower nodes and try to space them out so they arent casting shadows.