Alternative cal/ mag


Active Member
Has anyone tried using that calcium and magnesium from the health section or whatever you want to call it at the supermarket I'll have to get a pic of it next time was just wondering if the plant could possibly take in the stuff how chem nutes work
too much other shit in them pills, pill forming chems, addatives and colourings, shit like that, you want epsom salts,( mag sulphate) calcium carbonate, (crushed shell fish shells) look for organic sourses of the two like the examples ive given you
you can buy calcium carbonate from a chem store if needed,
you can use at a pinch,but i woulodent bother with pills
I use Epsom Salt and Calcium Chloride. You can get a big bag of Calcium Chloride from Amazon. I mix it in 5L of water, giving a tablespoon of Calcium Chloride and a teaspoon of Epsom Salt. It is super cheap and works really well.
Tea spoon is a shit tone i use 0.25g per liter of epson salt

But I only give the plants it once when they get potted up as seedlings. Once when flowering begins and then once every other week, up to two weeks before harvest. I think on that basis I am not using very much at all. I have had a professional analysis of my water done and my water contains zero calcium or magnesium. My tap water has a PPM of 23.