Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
Heh will be a few weeks until I have that happen for me.
Oh jeez the wait is unbelievable isn't it ? lol I want those girls to bud up so I can burn em. Wondering how each plant is gonna turn out , what its gonna look like etc. !! Oh geez lol all the unknowns


Well-Known Member

Date: 4/27 –5:38am
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W MH) ON 24
Distance from top of Growing Medium 22"
Temperature -
Humidity - 51%
Room/Light vent running-
YES (on 4 hr/ off 2 hr)
Small room fan (on low, facing plants)
Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-YES
Temperature – 69.4 F
PH –
Nutrient Solution: (2 Gal Mix)
25.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea

Hand Swapped Nute Solution from Main reservoir and 2nd reservoir
I do this every day
No2 is showing a slight bit of yellowing on the lower leaves.
I am not concerned because no others are showing this at all.
I rinsed the roots by topping off res with adjusted water through No2 pot
just to rinse away any extra nutes that may have been there.
In 10 days when its time to spray again I may have to go light on No2.


1/7- day 17 5:35(AM)



Well-Known Member
oh nice Log, just read it all, love your format.

Looking really nice so far :)

I gots a grow log about the same age roughly but in soil.

I have no crits, all looks well :)

subscribed +


Well-Known Member
Heh was sitting watching everyone grow, wondering about my personal level of co2 intake, when I noticed a big difference starting to emerge between several of the kids in their development of what is 4th for some (5th for others) leaf sets.
In some like No4 [IMG1] the center part of the leaf is on top
with the next parts tucked under.

Other plants have thinner more even leaf setslike No5 [IMG 2].

And finally I could not resist taking a few shots of one of my favorites
because its starting to look more like a maple tree than what it is, lmao.
No4 - [IMG 3 / 4]



Well-Known Member
yeah its just I have like 7 strains of seeds that are somewhat mixed up.
So there are some odd strains in the mix, lol, god knows what I will end up with :P
Looking back at the images I posted for day 17 (today) shows what I mean as far as different plant types very well.
Just compare image 4 and 5 and you will see. More of the plants are like No4
where No5 seems to be the only very thin leafed ones,
possibly Sativa Strain?
Just fun watching their different personalities emerge as they grow.
Right now they are just numbers, but they will end up with names.


Well-Known Member
yeah its just I have like 7 strains of seeds that are somewhat mixed up.
So there are some odd strains in the mix, lol, god knows what I will end up with :P
Looking back at the images I posted for day 17 (today) shows what I mean as far as different plant types very well.
Just compare image 4 and 5 and you will see. More of the plants are like No4
where No5 seems to be the only very thin leafed ones,
possibly Sativa Strain?
Just fun watching their different personalities emerge as they grow.
Right now they are just numbers, but they will end up with names.
ill tell you what man if it is sativa, my sativa took off after 20 days it grew to 8-9 inches in no time.


Well-Known Member

Date: 4/28 –6:18am
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W MH) ON 24
Distance from top of Growing Medium 22"
Temperature -
Humidity - 52%
Room/Light vent running-
YES(timed on/off every 30 mins)
Small room fan (on low, facing plants, timed off / on every 30 mins)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-YES
Temperature – 68F
PH –
PPM – 1200

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.
25.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea

Hand Swapped Nute Solution from Main reservoir and 2nd reservoir
I do this every day
Added dual outlet timer then off for 6 hrs (both vent fan and room fan)

Day 18 and a slight situation with No2
No2 appears to have either nute burn or something going on with a leaf set.
Its browned out like other plants I have seen here on
Either it is heat stress (temps have not gotten very high),
or a nute burn, as I mentioned on day 17 he got sprayed.
I will not spray No2 for a while.
No others are showing this so I won't worry about it for now.
No2's newer leaf sets are not showing the same yellowing (or drying)
I will keep you up on this situation as it progresses.

1/7- day 18 5:23(AM)



Well-Known Member
#2 is looking like thegigglepimps plants, which looks heatstressed.

they are looking really really good alto. can't wait for the next update!!


Well-Known Member
#2 is looking like thegigglepimps plants, which looks heat stressed.
Yeah well, it better learn how to cope, or get the hell out of the Kitchen...
Heh... I think I will move it to where No7 is for now and let No7 swim in the big pool for a few days.That will move it more out of the light a bit.
Right now its front and center. It is not hot there, that is why I'm puzzled.
But anyway like I said it is the only one showing any of those signs so I am not going to change anything for now.
Thanks for stopping by T. Your plants starting to smell good yet?


Well-Known Member
Yeah well, it better learn how to cope, or get the hell out of the Kitchen...
Heh... I think I will move it to where No7 is for now and let No7 swim in the big pool for a few days.That will move it more out of the light a bit.
Right now its front and center. It is not hot there, that is why I'm puzzled.
But anyway like I said it is the only one showing any of those signs so I am not going to change anything for now.
Thanks for stopping by T. Your plants starting to smell good yet?
My room will hit maxes of 95 degrees then back down to low 80s depending on the weather here. N lately. whoa its been fucking hott!! But they arent showing any signs off heat stress or yellowing.. They look always healthy :P n continue to grow. I think since its been in that kinda weather since they beginnin like u said. It coped before it got out ;P


Well-Known Member
Hey Alto those plants have grown massively since i last checked in! Keep up the good work! Yeah that colouring on number 2 looks similar to what one of my plants had about a week before my transplant. Although you say its not that hot? Where as my grow op was VERY hot. So maybe its something different? Did you spray the plants and some droplets were left on those leaves?


Well-Known Member
Hey Alto those plants have grown massively since i last checked in! Keep up the good work! Yeah that coloring on number 2 looks similar to what one of my plants had about a week before my transplant. Although you say its not that hot? Where as my grow op was VERY hot. So maybe its something different? Did you spray the plants and some droplets were left on those leaves?
Actually yes I did spray but no droplets caused I used a wetting agent.
either way what I think is its from the sprayed on nutes and not heat.
It only gets to 80 85 tops with fans off and co2 going.
besides you are suppose to be able to run a little higher temps if using co2 anyway so I am certain its from spraying.
I had to add some plain H2O this morning to top off now that I am at 1200 like I wanted to be, so I added it thru No2s pot and that should flush any extra nutes that were hanging around.
Thing is there is nice delicate new growth right ABOVE where the "heat stress" occurred so I'm thinking its not heat or those areas would have got it worse.
Thanks for stopping in TGP.