Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
Date: 5/19 –8:29pm
Flowering Day 8 –Total days 38

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (9am to 9pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 19" (9” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
74.0F (82.7/58.2)
Humidity - 54% (73%/40%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (timed to go on ½ hr after lights - off 1/2 hr before lights off)
Small room fan
constant (on high, facing plants)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 68.4F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:
2 GAL.(transition mix)
20.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
4.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 Teaspoons PyroSol™ Silicate Clay

Foliar Spray:
no longer using foliar spray

Topped off with water (PH 5.0)
Needed 2 quarts

Destroyed two plants that were males
No3 and No1 are both gone
Pictures at some point later today.
Still holding at 4 girls and now 1 undecided.
Development has continued with girls and now with a lot more room they should flourish.
Will be cleaning out reservoir tonight after work as I noticed air stones not working well
and want to get all bloom ferts in place and bring down slightly the PPM.
Other than all that not much to report.
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New Member
Date: 5/19 –8:29pm
Flowering Day 8 –Total days 38

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (9am to 9pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 19" (9” to top of canopy)
Temperature – 74.0F (82.7/58.2)
Humidity - 54% (73%/40%)
Room/Light vent running-YES (timed to go on ½ hr after lights - off 1/2 hr before lights off)
Small room fan constant (on high, facing plants)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 68.4F
PH – 5.5
PPM – 1600

Nutrient Solution: 2 GAL.(transition mix)
20.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
4.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 Teaspoons PyroSol™ Silicate ClayWow! :o You people that are this organized about your grow journals impressed the heck out of me. Now this is detail :hump:

Foliar Spray: no longer using foliar spray Good. Foliar sprayin leads to more harm than good. :-|:peace:

Topped off with water (PH 5.0)
Needed 2 quarts

Destroyed two plants that were malesVery good.
No3 and No1 are both gone
Pictures at some point later today.

So Alto? I am just curious about your name. Is the name Alto as in alto saxophone or alto vocal range? :roll: Just wondering 'cause i am a curious babe. ;)


Well-Known Member
So Alto? I am just curious about your name. Is the name Alto as in alto saxophone or alto vocal range? :roll: Just wondering 'cause i am a curious babe. ;)
Its an odd name
How I developed it was due to gaming
In many MMO games you create Alternate characters that you play less often than your Main character.
Alt 0 was one of the alts I created and it eventually became Alt0 being many sites do not allow spaces in names,
then AltO or Alto due to many sites not allowing numbers in names.
Not very exciting I know, but thats where it comes from.
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Well-Known Member
Wow impressive grow, and i wish i could be as organized as you are about my grow journal. Just wondering(more a ?) isnt 5.5 a little too low for PH? thanks and Nice grow:-)


New Member
Ok I'm sorry I asked. :?

No I'm just kidding. ;)
So I take it these are games that you play on the internet?
And yes it has curbed my curiousity.
Thank you. :joint::mrgreen::peace:
Its an odd name
How I developed it was due to gaming
In many MMO games you create Alternate characters that you play less often than your Main character.
Alt 0 was one of the alts I created and it eventually became Alt0 being many sites do not allow spaces in names,
then AltO or Alto due to many sites not allowing numbers in names.
Not very exciting I know, but thats where it comes from.


New Member
Organized. No kidding :shock:

Wanna come organize my journal for me??:clap::lol:
Wow impressive grow, and i wish i could be as organized as you are about my grow journal. Just wondering(more a ?) isnt 5.5 a little too low for PH? thanks and Nice grow:-)


Well-Known Member
So I take it these are games that you play on the internet?
yeah used to
not so much anymore, still waiting on the next greatest game ever ATM
Wanna come organize my journal for me??
I just wrote everything down once and change the numbers its a piece of cake.
I have actually been falling slightly behind as of late
I used to post new images with every update.
I will pick that up again once the rest of my life settles down some.
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Well-Known Member

Date: 5/21 –8:42pm
Flowering Day 10 –Total days 40

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (9am to 9pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 24" (11” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
75.5F (80.4/54.0)
Humidity - 58% (73%/40%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (timed to go on ½ hr after lights - off ½ hr before lights off)
Small room fan
constant (on high, facing plants)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 64.5F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.(early bloom mix)5-21
20.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 teaspoon PyroSol™ Silicate Clay
1 teaspoon Epsom Salt

Foliar Spray: no longer using foliar spray
Still occasionally spray with water to rinse off leaves just before lights out

Changed and cleaned reservoir last night
Took some pictures while the girls were out of the pool
We are at 5 girls now and holding (5 of 7 is good)
The two boys No1 and No 3 are drying out OK
Not sure they are worth trying it but going to attempt to make hash from them.
No 2 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 are all showing more hairs now and are confirmed as girls.

No 6 has had its day at the beach, all those bad burns it got as a young girl
This name always reminded me of the beach for some reason, summer days,
not a care in the world, taking a nap in the hammock. That’s why No 6 will now be Sandi.
Sandi is also the plant I once thought to be a boy, but luckily turned out to be a girl.
Another reason for her name, as this once happened to me in real life with a person named Sandi.

No 2 was my problem child, I doubt I did much wrong in her raising, she just is
more sensitive to things. Nutes did not need to be as high for her, she was very efficient.
The name Emily (which was used for the hydro set up I have “Emily’s Garden") seemed
perfect for one of my girls so the honor because of her great comeback goes to No 2.

Still working out the names for 4 , 5 , 7.
Enjoy the sparse photos, it is getting harder to get good images that mean something.
So I will just show their progress and some future bud sites.
Thanks for the support

No 6 - Sandi
No 2 - Emily
No 4
No 5
No 7
Overall Day 40



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Well-Known Member
Nice ladys u got and 5 outta 7 not a bad number...Love the new pics man keep it up hopefully mine will look that good too!! :weed:


Well-Known Member
Half update:
Topped off with 2 gallon water with
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™

10.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 teaspoon KoolBloom
at 6:30 added about 3 quarts to reservoir
Girls are liking the nutrients it seems, no burn
They are drinking a lot.
PPM at about 1600.



Well-Known Member

Date: 5/23 –6:00pm
Flowering Day 12 –Total days 42

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (9am to 9pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 24" (11” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
78F (82/59.3)
Humidity - 55% (80%/52%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (timed to go on ½ hr after lights - off ½ hr before lights off)
Small room fan
constant (on high, facing plants)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 67.3F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.(early bloom mix)5-21
20.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 teaspoon PyroSol™ Silicate Clay
1 teaspoon Epsom Salt

Foliar Spray: no longer using foliar spray

Every body is growing as expected

That being, all different sizes and shapes lol. Pretty much a competition for the light.
Lots of smaller undergrowth that may need to be removed should it start to limit air circulation.
Tried to take a few pictures to show all the new undergrowth, and of course some pre bud sites
And baby little starter flowers.
Thanks for the support


  1. Undergrowth
  2. More undergrowth
  3. Overall
  4. overall (No2 up front)



Well-Known Member
Date: 5/24–6:00pm
Flowering Day 13 –Total days 43

Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W HPS) ON 12/12 (9am to 9pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 24" (10” to top of canopy AVERAGE)
Temperature –
78F (84/57.3)
Humidity - 55% (72%/52%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (constantly)
Small room fan
constant (on high, facing plants)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running- (always)
Temperature – 65.0F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.(early bloom mix)5-21
20.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
2.0ML Floralicious Plus™
20.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
1 teaspoon PyroSol™ Silicate Clay
1 teaspoon Epsom Salt

Foliar Spray: no longer using foliar spray

PH and PPM steadily rising as expected
(readings above are before adjustment-adjustment is always to PH 5.3)
Topped off with water (PH 5.0)
to bring down PH and PPM
Now leaving exhaust on 24 hrs a day to eliminate some humidity.
RH would rise a lot during time when light (and exhaust) were off
Trying leaving fan on 24/0 and see what high/low readings are.
May have to get dehumidifier for later blooming stages to avoid bud rot
we will see how we do with fan change first
Going to take pictures tonight:leaf:
Thanks for the support
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