Alt0's Grow (1st timer)


Well-Known Member
so ridiculous, what a good grow. cheers to every one of them being a healthy fruitful women.


Well-Known Member
you should consider lowering you're nutrient content.
the outer edges of the leaves look like yellow
kind of burnt
not critisizing.
just want to help!


Well-Known Member
you should consider lowering you're nutrient content.
the outer edges of the leaves look like yellow
kind of burnt
not critisizing.
just want to help!
Thanks Jason
I have been slowly by only topping with ph balanced water
(I also have been lowering it to 5.0 to bring PH in rezz down as well, two birds thing ya know?)
I am changing rezz on the weekend and will definitely lower nutes this time I mix it up.
Thanks for the input, coming from a guy with a grow like the one I see on your journal this is advice I take very seriously.


Well-Known Member
Sorry loyal readers but there will be no update this morning being I slept in and the lights are off :cry:
I will do a complete report tonight after work.
I will be changing the nutrient mix also tonight (mixing it up)
and will be changing the reservoir as well tomorrow.
I think I will try and document this with pictures and if all works out a video as well.
This coming week will be the first week of Transition as I will be adding both grow and bloom nutes (in lesser quantities~thanks Jason) in preparation for switching to the HPS bulb and a 12/12 cycle next weekend
It will be dependent on plant maturity [height] as to whether this will be a one or two week period and with all the LST I have been doing and the great (IMHO) results I am getting it looks to be more like two.
Then we can sit back and watch the real show these girls will provide.
OK then no images till tonight, then a ton of new info and images to go with it.


Well-Known Member
hey solid setup bro
Thanks blinky, and thanks for stopping by.
any advice or support is always welcome.

Another note I forgot to mention.
I adjusted the LST again after work last night.
Being I am not going to remove leaves (at this point at least) I have been "tucking" to expose the smaller branches to more of the light,
and that is an ongoing daily chore.
They just want to get at that light! lol
I have been pulling the tops down a little more each day always away from center.
It is starting to get a "cup" shape across the entire garden
with the branches growing toward the center and the pulled down taller main stems correcting themselves on the perimeter of the setup.
Man I really am having a hard time waiting to get the flowering underway.
but things are going well so I will be patient.
Thanks again for everyones support :joint:pass


Well-Known Member
More importantly how are you holding up bro?
I'm at "work" sortof so as well as would be expected
I'm holding up, about to head to work. Really sucks tho, i was soo gonna start looking for new jobs, I guess i still should n get them before I'm actually convicted if infact I'm going to be convicted. Mostly tho I've been waiting for my lawyer to call back since I sent him my search warrant papers. He's suppose to call after that to let me know more about how it looks, and if we can get it dismissed or not. Waiting for that call... is worse then waiting for my girls to bud. My bad... ex girls.


Well-Known Member
Date: 5/09 –5:45pm
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W MH) ON 18/6 (off time 7am to 1pm)
Distance from top of Growing Medium 19" (11” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
73.4F (78.9/70.3)
Humidity - 60% (63%/50%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (off 7am on 2pm / off 8pm on 12am)
Small room fan (on high, facing plants, timed off / on every 30 mins.)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 68.9F
PH –
5.7 (adjusted back to 5.3 using 35 drops PH DOWN)

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.
25.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
4.0ML Floralicious Plus™
30.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
2 Tsp Epsom Salt
10.0ML PyroSol™ Silicate Clay

Foliar Spray:1 L.
Used PH 5.5 water / 20ml Penetrator™ (blindly) with lights off

Adjusted PH of tap water to 5.0
(added 2 quarts to top off)
adjusted LST bringing hooks up along stems and pulling back down.
Also added 2 more branches to the group which are tied down.
No pictures today sorry =(
And to make up for it during the time when they are out of the pool
as its washed and refilled with transition formula nutes and other yummy plant treats
they will have individual portraits taken as well as close-ups of what I did with LST and the results
in case you are thinking about using these methods.
So until tomorrow then


Just wait till tomorrows pictures..special set.


Well-Known Member
Date: 5/10 –5:00am
Room Conditions:
LIGHTS (400W MH) ON 18/6 (off time 7am to 1pm)

Distance from top of Growing Medium 19" (11” to top of canopy)
Temperature –
75.0F (75.9/70.3)

Humidity - 52% (63%/50%)
Room/Light vent running-
YES (off 7am on 2pm / off 8pm on 12am)
Small room fan (on high, facing plants, timed off / on every 30 mins.)

Water Conditions:
Reservoir Aeration running-ALWAYS
Temperature – 65.0F
PH –

Nutrient Solution:2 GAL.(transition mix)
10.0ML Flora Nova GROW™
10.0ML Flora Nova BLOOM™
4.0ML Floralicious Plus™
10.0ML FLORABLEND ™Vegan Compost Tea
10.0ML PyroSol™ Silicate Clay

Foliar Spray:1 L. ( just before lights off)
Used PH 5.5 water / 20ml Penetrator™
5ML Van de Zwaa Magic Green

Lots happened between last night and this report.
Went into OP after work May 09 and tightened down LST
Took readings (PH 5.6 – temps all good- PPM 1150)

This morning at 5am went into OP
Everyone was again facing light (some were away due to LST)
Noticed No 4 was not facing light.
Inspected and found I had broken off the top because of too much pressure.
It looked fine last night and must have snapped overnight.
However it still was not drooping yet not enough stem left and no obvious way to repair damage so decided to remove.
Removed after thanking plant and quickly trimmed leaves re-cut stem under water and dunked into rooting powder.
Inserted into already soaked Rockwool cube (I had intended to take a clone so was actually somewhat prepared)
Placed into tub with plain water PH 5.5
Sprayed and covered.

Removed plants from reservoir and photographed and inspected
Roots (lots of roots) all looked clean and white
Cleaned out reservoir with water and re-filled with new batch of nutes for transition (2 weeks now due to accident)
Placed plants carefully back into reservoir and foliar sprayed then turned off lights for 6 hr off period.
“clone” that was formerly No 4’s head is under T5 with Basil clones taken earlier as practice


There are a lot of images today as promised, I only wish some came out better.

1-No 1 – natural light photo
2-No 1 – showing LST
3-No 2 – natural light photo
4-No 2 – showing LST
5-No 3 – flash photo
6-No 3 – showing LST
7-No 4 – after accidentally topping from LST
8-No 5 – natural light photo
9-No 6 – natural light photo
10- No 6 – showing LST
11- No 7 - no LST
12- Overall after spraying and before lights out.
13- Clean reservoir with transition nutes
14- The former top from No 4
15- Another shot of cloning attempt

Hope you enjoy the images from today and thank you for your support:joint:
  • No 4 will be fine and shows little if any stress from this adventure
  • I learned to be slower with my LST
  • New nutrient batch is weaker than last weeks and contains both bloom and grow FloraNova



Well-Known Member
Looking good alto... Glad to see everything is working out good.
Thanks clean
always glad to know your looking in bro
I really messed up with No4 being a bit eager
That plant looked to have a lot of potential and still will be good but just look at the size of the main stem in that photo!
she is a beast!
I will always wonder what could have been had she kept her head tho
maybe the head will become all she should have and more?
Time will tell.


Well-Known Member
Thanks clean
always glad to know your looking in bro
I really messed up with No4 being a bit eager
That plant looked to have a lot of potential and still will be good but just look at the size of the main stem in that photo!
she is a beast!
I will always wonder what could have been had she kept her head tho
maybe the head will become all she should have and more?
Time will tell.
I saw that shit man, I was like wow his stems are fucking thick! lol Hopefully it will turn out good. Everything still looks great, even number 4. When are you thinkin about going to 12/12


Well-Known Member
I saw that shit man, I was like wow his stems are fucking thick! lol Hopefully it will turn out good. Everything still looks great, even number 4. When are you thinkin about going to 12/12
Thanks dude, I am thinking about 2 more weeks


Well-Known Member
Very nice looking plants Eddie
One was 18/6 the bigger was 24/0?
I am sure you know your stuff dude.
I welcome your advice and help.
Its hard for me to get past the science being well being its science
but in my personal experience I found that farmers know more about plants than scientists hands down.
Thanks for the info
Next grow I will give it a chance to make me a believer as well.