Already trimmed, now for drying.


Active Member
Hey there, first post, ive trimmed my bud all off the tree and simply placed in all in 3 aluminum foil trays and left in a cool dark place.
Is this wrong?
How long will it take to dry under these circumstances?
How will I know when its completely dry?


Well-Known Member
well you shouldnt ever lay buds down falt, they need to get air circulating all the way around, hang them up some where DARK and COOl

as for what comes next, you need to cure them by putting them in air tight jars and burping them every few hours for a few weeks


Active Member
Hang them upside down, I believe that allows the moisture from the rest of the plant to move into the bud for a more even spread. Hang them in a dark, ventilated place. I've also heard it's a benefit if the area is uninsulated, meaning the temp will rise and fall depending of day or night. After the stems start to snap when you bend them (about 7 days), put them in a jar, opening it once a day for 15-20 minutes for about 7-14 days. Then you can store it for months, the more it cures the better the smoke will be. Also I think you can freeze it for long term storage, but not sure about that, never tried.


Well-Known Member
Seems like you are getting some good advice, I would only add that if you trimmed the buds off of the stems and won't really have an easy time of hang drying you could get one of those wire racks that bakers use to cool off baked goods, it's just a wire screen type thing that is allows you to place things on it and have air flow under it too. I have a few and they come in handy for more often than I thought they would when I bought them.


Active Member
Opening a jar every 15 minutes for 2 weeks isnt exactly the most convenient thing to do, is there alternatives?


Well-Known Member
its not every fifteen minutes man,

its once a day for 15 minutes

you have to, there is no other way or you'll get mold


Well-Known Member
Tie some thread on the buds if you want to hang them. But i cut mine off the stems and put them on a wire rack to dry mine.


Active Member
the drying and curing process is the most important. dont rush it. when you can snap a stem its dry, then glass jars for curing. open daily for a few mins for a few weeks. DONT SKIP THIS STEP


Well-Known Member
Wait till the bud is good and dry, It should be sticky to the touch, and release aroma when you crack open the buds, stems should snap and the ash should be white.