alot of 1 fingered leaves


Active Member
I've had clones like that from a plant late in flower. I suppose vegging longer might straighten it out, which it did for me, but I also topped. Maybe topping slows the vertical growth and increases energy to the periphery, thus getting you out of that single-leaf bullshit stage. I don't know, but it worked for me on 4 out of 4 clones.

smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
ahh my plant is deformed?!!!??! lol its a plant me and my one friend found in a field. it was in a pot and stuff so im not really sure of the strain and all. it was really small when we found it and it was all 5 to 7 leaves so idk....
ohhh you found it. you should bring it back. grow your own lol.


Well-Known Member
If it is MJ i hope its male.....for the sake of the guy who put the time into planting it. You don't take plants man....its just not right. If it never buds you got what you deserve.


Active Member
so why is mr fishy telling me to 12/12 it. wth? now im all confused i started flowering it yesterday. should i go back and veg it again ?


Well-Known Member
You should return it to where you found it before you damage it. did the "field you stole it from have a fence around it.....cause most call that a backyard.


Well-Known Member
I removed my "flower now" posts simply because they seemed to be the only ones for flowering now, so seemed futile to me. When I looked this a.m. it seemed a decision had been made.
As noted, I would've budded it up yesterday, but that's me.
At 20" this plant should get bigger than you wanted with no further veg.
I was under the impression that lots of folks go to 12./12 well before 20", and since you mentioned space limitations, it only made sense to me that it be flowered a.s.a.p.


Active Member
i am having the same problem... but this is my 3rd harvest with this strain... did you grow them from seed or are they clones... mine are clones and i think it had something to do with the trauma of the cloning process.