
I feel naked and beaten,
my anger won’t even keep me company now...
a limp, life-less force I have become.

I stare at the wall, as if an answer should suddenly appear,
the pain seeps in so very deep…

It seeps in through the cracks of this foundation,
dark pain – buried deep;
the drafts, the empty spaces,
it blows through this ghost town of a heart with a cold and dreadful force…

Like red dye bleeding into the river’s edge…
It blurs – it swirls – it momentarily becomes a ribbon of color floating through the water… I imagine I can grasp onto it as a lifeline, but as quickly as I glimpsed it, it disappears into the water leaving me once more… i am clutching for safety with nothing to hold onto but liquid thoughts…

Anger had swarmed about my head like a cloud of angry bees, but now the bustle of the hive is silent, the workers have left… I simply raise one eyebrow and take notice of the wreckage…
I feel no more…
I am alone…

My heart beats slower, stutters then returns. The pain occupying this mad house of a heart, has settled in for good…

Confusion doesn’t seem an adequate word for the pain that rots, festers, and churns.
It is now deep in the pool of light that used to fill my soul, permeating everything.

It infects everything, seeping out; clouding vision, confusing judgment. I find myself straining to hear a voice that remains silent, reaching to grasp where there is no hand to hold.
Something has to be entirely wrong in this fucked up world, for the heart to be able to be shattered and ground up into this fine of a powder, time and again. I can’t keep it in, it keeps trailing off into the nights sweet cool breeze … yet somehow she still beats… ashes to ashes, dust to dust, I remind myself…
I am but a fading flower, here today and tomorrow gone…

At what point did my hope get placed into your frozen hands,
It is so cold now I can barely feel it…
The cold blade has cut so very deep,
Only I am still not free…

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
wow can i try.....choking. from all the smoke...who lit that fire..i lit that fire just to hear my screams...asking god to save me from this mediocre lifetyle.....mystyle an epic fail....the fires ice cold compared to the burns of betrayal. ..third degree. second degree. and first degree.....i ask god for help ..but can he really save me from questin was answerd when i died inside that house....the end how did i do??