Alone or with your friends?

Young people tend to stick together more. As you get older, most people get more self-centred. Personally I believe you must have consciousness of God (Good) to feel happy in life, regardless of what you do. If you are an outlaw, like all puffers, then being considerate to others is vital. Your situation reminds me of my own experiences, regardless of wether it is with Ganja puffers, or not.
if you are and outlaw,like all putters?

how am i an outlaw, and what is an outlaw exactly like a bad cowboy?, and how old are you??
I smoke alone, with hubby and friends. Mostly with hubby though. He works crazy shifts, so I do tend to smoke more alone, lol. When I had roomates, they all smoked too. We would all pitch in for the session. A bud each. That way it is fair and no one person is always smoking everyone up, lol. Now when we get together we each bring our own, also if we need to borrow off eachother it is all cool as long as it is paid back. But really, the only real person in the world you can trust is yourself. No matter how close you feel to someone, you can only in the end trust yourself. So smokng alone or with hubby solves all that. :mrgreen::peace:
how am i an outlaw, and what is an outlaw exactly like a bad cowboy?, and how old are you??

I was born in the Summer of '69.
In case you did not know ganja is illegal, thus if you are a puffer, then you are an outlaw. Seeing as though the law is mostly corrupt, this would make you a good cowboy. As far as I know golf is still legal, so being a putter would make you and in-law. An in-law is ... ahh forget it.
I dont know but i love smoking alone, i never feel lonely or anything, its so relaxing, i think weed is more of a personal thing in my case. ive become a little antisocial, no not a little a lot. i dont deny that, but i still do my things and im very responsible, i do good at school and everything. I dont remember how it used to be with friends, but for me theres nothing better than smoking alone. Theres people to smoke with, thats not the problem, the problem is having very very close friends you feel comfortable to smoke with.
I wish i had someone to smoke weed and feel comfortable. But i rather smoke alone than with someone i dont trust. still when that person comes i would surely enjoy smoking with him or her. but now its really hard to find someone very very close and like chiceh said, still you can only trust yourself. I just dont trust no one when i smoke weed. i think too much. when i go out i dont smoke at all.
i want to know if this happens to someone else, if you distrust people when you smoke, and you tend to over analize things. Sometimes i think that weed shows you things the way they really are. For example, sometimes when i fight with my mom, i think that im right and that i got the upper hand on the discussion and then when i smoke weed, i start thinking, damn i shouldnt have told her that, and i realize that i was wrong. I know it sound crazy but sometimes i think that about weed. I want to know if this happens to anyone else.
i love my high & alone time. if you cant be happy when your alone and quite, you cant be happy being with people. that's my theory.

having said that, its nice to enjoy a riot comedy with the right high crowd.but if you cant trust them, fuck em. weed makes you paraniod enough.

i'm that exact same way...i am the alone smoker and love every minute of it...
I was born in the Summer of '69.
In case you did not know ganja is illegal, thus if you are a puffer, then you are an outlaw. Seeing as though the law is mostly corrupt, this would make you a good cowboy. As far as I know golf is still legal, so being a putter would make you and in-law. An in-law is ... ahh forget it.

ok? right on man smoke up:peace:
I just dont trust no one when i smoke weed.

Thats because the people u r around r untrustworthy

i think too much.
That is not possible.

Don't make the mistake of attributing too much to the herb. If your spirit is invested in it, you will perform better with it. Its a tricky thing to smoke and not smoke at intervals. Better to smoke all the time and get used to it. Then take a break for a few months.
Smokin weed alone was good for me for a while but now its just startin to get old. I like smokin with other ppl, the only problem is a lot of ppl where I live dont care about anyone else but themselves. I seriously had ppl I kinda knew get high on my weed, then as soon as they got high they left and didnt give me anything and never did. Thats the kinda shit I gotta deal with. If I had someone I trust and I had real friends then I would def be smokin with them. I like spendin time with ppl, but not certain kinds of ppl that seem like they need weed to function and they dont care about u.
Thats because the people u r around r untrustworthy

Yeah i think youre right, i used to blame the weed for that. but its not the weed, its that theyre really untrustworthy. The thing is that without the weed, i couldnt see that, thats why i say weed is enlightening in some way. shows you things you couldnt see before.
how am i an outlaw, and what is an outlaw exactly like a bad cowboy?, and how old are you??

I'm still laughing at this one. How old am I? Did you not know that unless you are as a child you will not enter the kingdom of God? And here I was fretting about the bad old 40 coming around the corner. By the way smokinjs, how old r u?
I like to smoke by myself, it gives me the time I need to unwind and relax. There are only 2 other people that I even smoke with.
Man, thats exactly the kind of shit I hate...friends ripping off friends.

I have a tight group of about...six people I trust. The others...they can go fuck themselves.

I figure the less people you burn with, the less of a chance you have to get caught. Everyone is always helping everyone else out...its a great circle we've got going. :peace:
I'm still laughing at this one. How old am I? Did you not know that unless you are as a child you will not enter the kingdom of God? And here I was fretting about the bad old 40 coming around the corner. By the way smokinjs, how old r u?

thanks for your opinion, but i dont think you can tell me i wont enter the kingdom of God. lol listen to this guy. im 20 years old, i wasnt asking how old you are to offend you man. we just try to keep things straight around here. no miners. and you sounded childish. so i was wondering. smoke that african ganja. peace buddy:peace: