Alone or with your friends?


Well-Known Member

Lately I've been smoking 7-10 times a day with a few of my friends. Mostly just one. Ever since we've started smoking so much it seems everyone is trying to scam everyone else, it has become less and less fun to smoke with friends and more of a hassle, we don't seem like as much as real friends, etc. Just bullshit like this. Well it's become more fun to smoke alone it seems than to smoke with other people. I have no clue why but.. Is this normal?
I have social anxiety problems and I use weed to solve that but I still like to be alone a lot especially when i'm tokin. I then have the ability to talk and not freeze up but still it's more fun to just watch some TV and feed my munchies :P.
So is it like this for anyone else or do I just have flat out bad friends? :S
Also it wasn't like this wehen we just started somking together not to mention now that I've been doing shrooms, salvia, and DXM my true friends seem to have become weed friends. Maybe I'm just high :S.
I used to mostly smoke with my friends too. I still smoke with my friends once in a while but most of the time I smoke by myself now. I started to get mad becuz I was always the one who brought the weed and noone else ever wanted to share their weed or pitch in to buy shit. Those werent my close friends though, my close friends dont even smoke that much. I smoke by myself now and it was cool at 1st but now its gettin kind of lonely and depressing.

When u start smokin with ur friends u gotta make sure theres a understanding that they have to supply the weed once in a while. If their ur real friends then they will supply the weed and share it with u. Ur friends arent necessarily bad, but ur probly the one who has the weed most often and they might just not understand that ur not made of weed and money and they have to supply it once in a while.
Elaborate on "trying to scam everyone else". Is this an attempt to get other people to load more bowls? My friends and I use the barter system mostly.

There are close friends, and there are those "fuck-head" friends. You have to know who are your boys and who are there just to smoke weed with. Meditate on this (with a joint of course).

I like to be high alone at times, watch the sky and shit or watch some TV, but mostly I am a social smoker because I have been fortunate in finding some good natured friends who like to toke up.

In every different altering state of mind habit, you will find people who live just for it and you cannot really count on them for anything. These are the kind of people who will leave you hangin, jack your shit, or just plain worthless.

If you find a few good friends you can trust you might be less self-aware and could calm down your social anxiety, but I'm going out on the limb here so if you put in more info it might clarify your alone/social dilemma.
I used to mostly smoke with my friends too. I still smoke with my friends once in a while but most of the time I smoke by myself now. I started to get mad becuz I was always the one who brought the weed and noone else ever wanted to share their weed or pitch in to buy shit. Those werent my close friends though, my close friends dont even smoke that much. I smoke by myself now and it was cool at 1st but now its gettin kind of lonely and depressing.

When u start smokin with ur friends u gotta make sure theres a understanding that they have to supply the weed once in a while. If their ur real friends then they will supply the weed and share it with u. Ur friends arent necessarily bad, but ur probly the one who has the weed most often and they might just not understand that ur not made of weed and money and they have to supply it once in a while.

Pretty much EXACTLY my same situation. I seem to be more into it than my friends, therefore, when we all hang out, I'm usually the only one with the goods, so while I just want to get myself high, I'm almost forced to smoke everyone else up too.

I'm down for smoking by myself, I do it all the time. Wake n bake, just getting off work, RIGHT before sex :). It isn't abnormal to smoke by yourself, and it isn't abnormal to have friends that turn into sketchballs either, it happends to all of us.
It's difficult to find friends who are gonna be fair in the use of weed, but once you know who they are, you're set up. I personally don't like smoking alone, I like to have at least one person to toke with otherwise it just isn't as funny
i love my high & alone time. if you cant be happy when your alone and quite, you cant be happy being with people. that's my theory.

having said that, its nice to enjoy a riot comedy with the right high crowd.but if you cant trust them, fuck em. weed makes you paraniod enough.
I think as you get older u have less time to spend with your friends anyway.more shit to do.I love too get high by myself, if someone is there cool,but I found out the older I got the more I was toking alone. I do have a couple of friends that when I see them its time too smoke.but for the most part I smoke alone.
you guys need to get a life. Its not all about smoking by yourself. that was the BS right after college. Sure, it's fun just to smoke alone and enjoy sitting around all day doing nothing but packing up bowls, but what better than to share it with someone? Its fun to have conversation, and have people(person) with you. You feel a little more worthy and useful rather than sitting at home all lonely. Pot makes people anti-social. Go get some pussy,meet some women, go to a cafe'. Go to some parties! meet people. stop being a typical stoner and go out and do something and someone!!!!
yea! just because you smoke alone doesnt mean you dont do anything all day I just dont hang out all day with nmy friends.I have a woman and kids and Im am never sitting around.IM very motivated when I smoke pot.IM ready to do something.and I have a good life just not your life.
Well.. Good news. He's been supplying lately after I ran out.. Yesterday I had about 300mg DXM (my second time trying DXM.. Time before was only like 170 mg) and like 5 really dense, HUGE bowls. None of it was mine and that was the craziest trip every. For some reason I have a flower blanket and all the flowers tripped me the fuck out, some looked like mrhanky christmas poops while others looked like flowersd, I couldn't focus on a damned thing for my life. When I'm sober I'll come fix any mistakes I probably just made.
I smoke daily with about 8 of the usual guys, and about 3 or 4 out of those eight turned kind of sketchy lately, Like they need pot to function. They'll come over, and if there isn't weed, they'll just walk out without even saying hello. But other than that, the other guys are all close friends. Im having a smoke by myself day though =D
I like both. I usually smoke alone as my wife dont smoke. I do smoke with my friends whenever they are over. Usually we each have several different strains so there is a line to pack it up. I am always happy to puff anyone down and usually send people home with a free bud. Noone knows I am growing and its kinda of my way of giving back a little.
^^^ That's pretty cool. You sound like a good friend. =]
I try to live by the Golden Rule.. Treat others like you want to be treated... it was worked so far. I am pretty happy with how my life has turned out. Karma is a good thing for some people like me.
Lol, and then theirs the friends who show up EVERY day to smoke, but never bring any money to pitch in. Whole ounces go in a day..
usually if we smoke a joint or a blunt (or both) my friends will throw me 5-10 bucks. They usually get a free little nug to take home as well :peace::blsmoke:

Im a pretty giving person.

Ive got one friend that begs and begs and if im not smoking he will leave with a bad attitude....those are the kind of people you dont need around. He also claims his BC bud he picks up at his college from his frat brothers is better than my homegrown....BULLSHIT.
I am in college and live in a dorm and usaully smoke by myself but still smoke with friends sometimes. I have one friend from highschool that acts like he has to be high to function, I don't understand how people act like they need to be high, I will go a whole week (sometimes) with out smoking but I do like to get high, if I could I would be high all day but when I smoke I never get anything done so when there is stuff to do I will not smoke.
you guys need to get a life. Its not all about smoking by yourself. that was the BS right after college. Sure, it's fun just to smoke alone and enjoy sitting around all day doing nothing but packing up bowls, but what better than to share it with someone? Its fun to have conversation, and have people(person) with you. You feel a little more worthy and useful rather than sitting at home all lonely. Pot makes people anti-social. Go get some pussy,meet some women, go to a cafe'. Go to some parties! meet people. stop being a typical stoner and go out and do something and someone!!!!

"Get a life". Cmon dude. That sounds a little like you think you are better than people who smoke alone. I have a wife. I have a 3 yr old and one on the way. I love to smoke alone. Helps me gather my thoughts of the day. And conversation is highly overrated. Most people have no idea what they are talking about, all they are doing is waiting to talk about themselves. And I use my weed to wind down after a day at work. I can't smoke and work and I have lost all hope for good natured people. I've looked around there aren't that many. If you find some let me know. And what bullshit after college. I don't know about you but after college I went to work.