Aloe Powder Advice


Well-Known Member
So i'm finding some fairly divergent prices on aloe vera 200x powdered concentrate and was wondering if anyone has any tips on what exactly I should be looking for. I'll probably end up buying/cloning some aloe plants so i can just have fresh filets whenever i need 'em, but i'd like to get some of this aloe powder since it seems fairly convenient.
so would something like this stuff work? or should i be focusing on the aloe powder to make drinkable aloe juice?
thanks everybody!
be easy,


Well-Known Member
Would it be better to just grow a aloe plant? That's what I do. I hear the powder is great for clones but so is the filet and a aloe plant clones itself so you'll have a ton of aloe plants within a years time, I've had mine for 4 months now in a gallon container of super soil and it has made me 5 babies that are growing fast under my t5 light. That aloe plant cost me $8.


Well-Known Member
Cheaper for sure May. Using the powder is more of a convenience thing for me. That Baggie of 200x aloe I bought will last me years.


Well-Known Member
yeah May, i'm definitely going to pick up one or two and thow them in some global buckets but until they're available in my area i'm stuck and i have some sweet peas, tomatoes and peppers that i need to clone asap. so powder's on the way!
be easy, thanks for all the help!


Well-Known Member
living in the desert aloe plants are sold everywhere. even grocery stores and costco sell them. the nurseries and home depot have an awesome selection right now. I like the ones at the local farmer market on Sundays more. They have giant leaves .
