Almost Harvest Time :) (PICS)


Well-Known Member
rzza thank you... So will the hairs like curl up when its ready... i looked under a scope just for S's&G's and everything is milky with the exception of a few still "clear" trics... the hairs however are predominately white still... An old experienced mad who I get most of my growing info from also told me to go by the hairs... I just dont know what Im looking for, he said wait til about 80% amber hairs and swelled calyxes (what is a swelled calyx???) and he said you will know when it looks "ready" to smoke..... Ive always cut to early and I wanna do this on right. help is much appreciated/


Well-Known Member
hes right you will know when its ready by looking with your naked eye.

the buds turn slightly amber in color. note that i said buds not trichs. the calyx will swell. very few hairs will be visible. and if you still take out the scope, everything will be amber and milky.


The calyx is the kind of "domed" shaped part that the "hair" goes into, where, if pollinated, the seeds would be. Take pictures in the last few weeks and you will be able to tell the difference for sure.


Well-Known Member
3 Days away from 8 weeks... can autoflowers go longer than 8 weeks cause Im still mostly white hairs and cloudy trics..... is the fact that its a "white widow" cross change anything about its appearance when complete?


second what rzza said. patience is going to be key here! but you will be happier with the outcome both in yield and quality of smoke.


Well-Known Member
Im definately patient I just dont want to go too far.... Ive over-flowered before and the beautiful amazing tasting bud did not get me high lol


Well-Known Member
thanks for clearing that up haha.

This bitch is just hangin out now... nothing seems to be changing... other than the amount of my house that reeks lol


Bahaha have got to love that part though!
Have you considered a DIY carbon scrubber or ozone genny? If the smell is a concern that is.


Active Member
I totally agree with you rzza. I harvest when it just looks done. Your avatar is a good example, that bud looks ready. Has always worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Put it under 600w MH for the remainder of its life... next to a lemon mother and a rocklock seedling. The HPS is on 12/12 and I been flowing this one 18/6 so I threw it under the MH


Well-Known Member
Cut the plant yesterday.... picture quality is horrible but Ill get more once it hang dries.... has nice coat of trichromes and stanks somethin fierce... should be some good "lil widow" :)

