almost got robbed by a ripper

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Take a long sleeve shirt and a par of pants and stuff them with rags or newspaper or straw and sit it in a lawn chair next too the plants....then post up in a different spot with your 9...

nice.. how do you think this would work?

Getting a 9mm instead of a God-awful 38spl is the smartest thing I've seen this entire thread.

BTW, SIGs aren't issued, those are personal weapons, and the fact that certain illustrious operators often carry them means fuck-all to you. Should have gone with a revolver from Smith or Taurus for half the price, and none of the "operator" hype.

Edit : and this after everyone says "don't get a gun".
Better get you a killer dog... Pit bull or something like that...
If anyone thinks that 40 lb animal is going to do anything except yelp and run away or get shot and bleed out, they are out of their minds. A 40 lb dog who barely knows you, isn't trained, whose ribcage I could probably split open with minimal effort if we went to ground.
If anyone thinks that 40 lb animal is going to do anything except yelp and run away or get shot and bleed out, they are out of their minds. A 40 lb dog who barely knows you, isn't trained, whose ribcage I could probably split open with minimal effort if we went to ground.
Im not talking about just any old dog... Im talking about a trained dog...
Im not talking about just any old dog... Im talking about a trained dog...
I was referring to his dog, not your suggestion.

But yes, you are correct. If he hasn't trained that animal extensively, similar to police or military dog training, it's going to bitch out and run away, 100% guaranteed. That's all dogs, big or small, mean or not. People think "oh I'll just get a big mean dog." Well as long as nobody is going to come in the gate, that's fine. Every dog will run when confronted, some quicker than others, but they all will. Unless you train them.
so far it's been quiet. things happen in 3's. the third time they will have guns. so I'm preparing for that. decoys and war blocks.

This is ridiculous. I have serious doubts as to the legitimacy of this tale. You act like it's some kind of game and keep posting online about this and that, pictures of your guns, some puppy, etc.. Nobody with a functioning brain is going to be posting pictures of firearms ahead of a potential shootout on the internet before it happens. If something were to actually happen and someone is killed you have now posted the weapons and the property that can be identified by the photo showing the plants. Then there is the grammar, nobody in America uses the term "closing the lights" there are other examples of you using the english language in a way that isn't used in America. The term pusher hasn't been used here since the late sixties/early seventies. You have hitmen, gangsters, pushers. The only thing you're missing is the flesh eating zombies. It's pretty tall tale. It's on the internet. And what are "war blocks" other than a cheesy online game? I don't believe it.
Couple of guys on my block tried to steal mj plants that are outside in a backyard on my block.
A old guy driving around seen the 2 guys trying to jump the 10 foot fence. The old guy called the cops thinking they were trying to steal other things in the yard. Until 10 cops showed up.
Thieves ran away never got the plants....but now everyone and their dog knows that guy grows pot.
His house now a target for meth heads.

I knew something was gonna happen as it smelled up this block and the blocks around.
He best to just grow indoors next year. Like me.

The cops did protect the plants as the guy is legal med user.
I was referring to his dog, not your suggestion.

But yes, you are correct. If he hasn't trained that animal extensively, similar to police or military dog training, it's going to bitch out and run away, 100% guaranteed. That's all dogs, big or small, mean or not. People think "oh I'll just get a big mean dog." Well as long as nobody is going to come in the gate, that's fine. Every dog will run when confronted, some quicker than others, but they all will. Unless you train them.
And train them well...
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