Almost 8 weeks into 12/12 and not one bud yet...


Well-Known Member
I'm growing three Dinafem's "Original Amensia" plants. All three have grown totally different than the other. two are growing as I anticipated a Sativa-dom plants should, but the third is what I'm calling my "plant on acid".

This plant has been in 12/12 for almost 8 weeks and it's not giving any indication that it's ready to pop any buds. instead it's just growing more secondary branches to the point it's almost like ground cover and is taking over my limited flower room. Even the thicker branches are rubbery while the other two plants have grown very thick stout branches.

If this thing ever decided to bloom it'll be a huge fucker for an indoor grow....but I'm starting to think that it'll never even try to produce a bud.

Is it possible to have a pot plant NOT bud at all? Am I being too impatient?


Well-Known Member
Two things will slow a plant from flowering. Any light at all during the night cycle, or not enough light during it's growth stage. Lack of light during veg and bloom will retard finish time, but most of the time it is the genetics of the plant. A nice bushy plant is a good thing, just give it some more time and I'm pretty sure it will be fine. peace


Well-Known Member
I thought about the night-cycle light bleed, but I have seven other plants in there that show no signs of that sort of stress.

I'm positive that it's not due to lack of light as I have over 1,600 watts in a 5x7 room. If I saw this with all three plants of the same strain I would consider the genetics, and I'm sure that I've got one of the three that is obviously not growing as the others.

knows nothing

New Member
The only plants i have heard of not producing buds are autoflowers. 8 weeks is not notimpatient. Call your seed bank.most banks won't reply right away.


Well-Known Member
To much nitrogen will delay flowering, but I've never heard of a 8 week delay.
Are you sure it's a marijuana plant???


Well-Known Member
I've thought about taking a picture, but will have to pull out a few plants to get it out. I hope it fits through the door.