Almost 7 weeks flowering (54 days)


Elite Rolling Society
My biggest colas are doing something wierd, I am so glad I didn't harvest them Saturday. They are suddenly growing larger, and big white growths are coming out all over them. I'll try to get some pics up tonight.


Well-Known Member
Roseman...I'm a bigtime noob (I have been documenting all my screwups on this site!). I just want to grow for personal use with the bubbleponic system. How would you suggest I grow? I see you've done SOG and then you fell in love with the two big plants next, but what was your difference in yield and yield timing?


Elite Rolling Society
My biggest buds are growing wierd looking white buds out of them, like little fingers and they are filling in the gaps too. My trichs are 1/3 clear, 1/3 cloudy, 1/3 amber and May 20th was 8 weeks of 12/12. I thought I would get a few buds the size of a banana but now I think i will get a few the size of a 16 oz coke bottle or 12 oz coke can but ten inches long.

They sure look wierd, white growths, like white seed cups, stacked on top of each other.

What do you think?


Elite Rolling Society
Let me state some specific circumstances,
IF you go with The sea of green, done with this system, in a small confined space like the end of a closet, and having all 6 females very crowed in, (or 4) and you grow (veg) 2 weeks, then do 12/12 Bloom or budding for 8 weeks, you will have one big cola, (not the biggest you've ever seen, but banana size big) on top of each plant. Cut off, and dried for 4 days and cured for 4 weeks, you will get one big bud and 2 or 3 very small buds that weigh a dried 12 to 14 grams each.
So if you started with seed, got 4 fems out of 6, all grown tighly togehter, those 4 plants would give you 4 buds, almost 48 to 56 grams dried. Then you will still have about 60 pop corn fluff buds that you can harvest or continue to allow them to get bigger by putting the lights to them as heavy as you can. 4 fems done the way I described above, can give you 3 to 4 ounces of high grade bud and about 16 oz of female leaves or more.

I am going to yield much more than that but I am into my 5th month, instead of a normal 3 months.


Well-Known Member
Roseman if there's any possible way you could get better quality pics of the plants... That'd be great. I'm aching to see those.

That is VERY strange looking bud, but I'm wondering, has your babies gone through explosive bud growth just once? Or twice? I'll forward some more experienced people here to look at your pics.


Elite Rolling Society
what is your temperature? heat stress causes this type of bud growth. your leaves look crispy.

My closet stays at 80 to 84 degrees, on the high end and at 74 to 78 on the low end, BUT I have two WARM 85 Watt Spiral CFLS and one COOL 85 Watt Spirals about 4 inches from the bud, surrounding it. That bud is getting the heat and lumens for sure! And there are finger looking buds growing out of it, it really looks wierd and I hate to harvest it while it is growing so fast and crazy. I 'll get some better pics tonight posted.


Elite Rolling Society
All 4 of these buds are the same bud.
a week ago, it was shaped like a rocket or straight up and down on the sides and pointed on the top.
Now it has several wierd fingers or new buds growing out of the sides and top, and they are white, a little bit bigger than a pencil in diameter or width.
The seed were a cross of White Widow and Northern Lights, but I've never seen white buds. They are not the stamens or hairs, but are the seed hulls, or seed cups that are white.
Only thing different I've done is put the lights very close, 3 bulbs.


Well-Known Member
from the new growth and leafs on top of the bud it sorta looks like your plant is reverting back to you have any light leaks? did you have any plans to reveg this plant?


Well-Known Member
Ef that, I'll test it lol. Roseman you like me better right? heh

That's some wierd shit. Better be safe and send some over here...I can run some tests on it for you.

Actually hey Roseman I wouldn't be too worried about it. I certainly wouldn't be worried about my plants if THEY were experiencing explosive new growth lol, especially during flowering!!!!!!!!

Now, if your plant starts declining in growth, then I'd be worried lol. It looks like we may have to ride this one out and see what happens, unless someone that knows posts an answer first! I'll be back Tuesday to check on the progress of that strange new growth, think u could have some new progress pics up after memorial day?


Well-Known Member
from what i've seen and what i've read the odd growth is from heat stress. this "white" that you speak of appears to be a coating of crystals. nothing wrong with that.


Active Member
hi looks really good iv just started my first grow and am new to this sit i have read heaps and just want to know what lighting cycle i should go with my plants are bout 4 inchs high and i have a flood and drain system with a 400watt hps in a closet two fans one in one out runs about 35c in heat im useing grow more for now if any one could help me out it would be really good thanks


Elite Rolling Society
After some research, I think it is becaue I put three light bulbs on one budd and it is reacting to the light and heat.
I am whacking it today!