almost 4 weeks into flower possible issues arising


Active Member
Hey y'all I'm almost into my fourth week of flower and I've started ee some yellowing in 2/3 plants.
Here is what my setup/feed schedule.
X1 1000 watt hps, 3 gal pots and roots organics 707 soil.
Feed schedule: water+nutes, water, water. I'm water every two days..
Nutes consists of medi-one 15ml per gallon of water and Dyna Gros foliage pro at 5 1/2 ml. Then I add some pro tekt every two weeks.
My leaves are yellowing midway up and near the top. I did have some very unfortunate light burn which only happened to my northern lights plant.
My 3 plant grow is 1. Northern lights from Clone which I used LST on, one lanky ass LSD plant from clone and a train wreck I started from seed. Team wreck is the I my one without one yellow leaf.. my temp stays pretty steady at 80 degrees with 30-40 % humidity.
Now the only thing I can think is that its either nute deficiencies or heat stress.. other than that the NL is growing big frosty buds and the LSD is producing some big ole buds.
Here are some pix to give all an idea.



Active Member
Why thank you.. reason why is because they're obviously lacking something they need whether its cal mag nitrogen or just heat stress from being too close to the light.
I'll get some more pix up this evening.


Well-Known Member
they often do that late in the bud cycle as the plant pulls nutrients from the fan leaves & uses them for bud development


Well-Known Member
Man, I noticed in pic 2....that you ate all the fucking cheezits :o I love those things especially the spicy ones :clap:

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
What is the size of that pot? I think that's you're issue if it's too small... I had the same problem and kept on feeding it as I saw deficiencies but think of it this way. Feed the soil, soil feeds the plant. So the soil is the issue here.


Active Member
3 gallon pots is what I'm in.
Pretty sure its a little too late to transplant though.. I don't want to stress them out and turn these ladies Into he-bitches


Active Member
Lol at night I come down to work in my room and smoke in the tent.. Ill come out to mix up some food for the plants and always get the munchies!
Yes the hot ones are the best Tabasco ones are pretty bomb


Active Member
Its most likely just the leaves yellowing and dying off because its putting all its power into producing buds.
Another idea could be the fact that you're smoking in the tent and the smoke is fucking with the leaves and killing them.
Smoke kills plants man, weed smoke is not good for any plants.


Active Member
OK I'll keep from smoking in there.. lights r on at 7 so I'll pullem out then and get u guys some good pix tonight ..


Active Member
Alright y'all here are some more pix for ya..
Plants will be in the order of: NORTHERN LIGHTS, LSD, TRAINWRECK.
this is my first grow ever and today is my official one month into flower!!!
Edit: using phone so have to post two at a time single post.


Well-Known Member
looks to me that they were just too close to the light..some strains are more prone to this.

if you look all the leaves on top are yellowing,but the inner leaves are a nice green color.

i always have this problem with my Amnesia Haze/G13 Haze..kinda my hybrid..if the light is to close the top leaves start to yellow..if i catch it in time and move my light(600w) up..they turn green again.

i think its to late for those ladies..i say just ride it out..i always have killer smoke at the end,but your only at 4 weeks.


Well-Known Member
Can't see watering ever being necessary every two days unless you are growing in pots way too small for the plants. I have one big girl who needs her water more often than the others, and in the hot weather we have here right now she needs it every 3 days. This is 20 litre pots - 6 weeks veg.

Another thing I do which seems to be the opposite of common thinking is to give veg nutes right through flowering. Way I see it is the plants use up energy when the N runs out, sucking it out of leaves first then when they're gone straight up reducing yield and increasing chances of ill health. Give them the veg nutes and this can be pretty much prevented.

I find an application of Cal/Mag at about week 5 flower gives a good boost of new green growth too. Certainly enough to further aid to eliminate yellowing of leaves - I like to harvest with still mainly green leaves.


Active Member
Once again in growing in three gallon pots...
Its a little late once again for transplant...
I figured could be the light. Thanks guys