almost 2 week old seedlings small pots etc,


I started some almost 2 weeks ago, out of 4 only one is about 3 inches tall, it has 2 sets of fan leaves, another one came up in the same pot I don't remember putting a seed in there but its weed because it has fan leaves and all, this morning a mushroom like thing sprouted up next to them, they are in fairly small pots, do I need more drainage they are outside mostly but I only have 8500 lumens of fcl's for the inside so I hope i can keep them outside until their big enough someone would notice them and then switch to inside, can I seperate the two plants without hurting them? also the biggest one looks like its tilted to the left for some reason?


Um. no- even if I had the inclination to take pictures of my plants I would never post them on a public internet forum. how stupid do you think I am. If you can't help me from the description then I guess I'll just have to figure it out for myself:joint::joint: