Allow me to introduce myself... Bubba K, Lemon Skunk, Hawaiian Snow, Church etc.


Undercover Mod
They look a little over watered other than that, they look good man.

Nothin to worry about with the spots. If you transplant when they are rootbound you should have no problems.


Active Member
They look a little over watered other than that, they look good man.

Nothin to worry about with the spots. If you transplant when they are rootbound you should have no problems.
Glad to hear the spots are nothing... Any idea whats causing them tho? How much longer do you think I should wait to transplant into 15 gallon smart pots? How will I know if they are root-bound without pulling them out? Thanks again guys!

PS do yall think I should top her or LST her???? or just let her live au natural???


Well-Known Member
Yeah you may be overwatering a touch which is what's causing the pale leaves and spots.just let your soil dry completely before watering again.As for your question about seeding yeah i would seed one branch on every girl free seeds are hard to beat.just need to get them pollinated in time so they seeds will mature before harvest.better to transplant sooner than later imo.And one last thing i ain't SKEERED LOL . i be on tonight if you catch me i'll turn steam on and origin either one there buddy!


Well-Known Member
Shit forgot to comment on the lst or topping with your season topping should produce nicely for you.I like to train but kinda a hard thing to do outside just depends on your garden, training them does make them a little harder to spot from the air though.


Well-Known Member
Nice work man. How do you like those nursery flats? I have one that comes with a plastic dome, but I haven't used it yet.


Well-Known Member
Any idea whats causing them tho? How much longer do you think I should wait to transplant into 15 gallon smart pots? How will I know if they are root-bound without pulling them out? Thanks again guys!

PS do yall think I should top her or LST her???? or just let her live au natural???
I always like there to be one or two inches of soil between the roots and the side of the container. A one gallon smart pot last me about three to four weeks. The only way for me to tell if a plant is root bound is to take it out of it's pot, which you can do safely, when the soil is dry and compacted together. As for LST, I don't think it's really needed, especially outdoors. A nice constant breeze gives plants plenty of exercise.

You can top or femm them right now. Week 2 and 3 are good times to do it.


Active Member
Nice work man. How do you like those nursery flats? I have one that comes with a plastic dome, but I haven't used it yet.
I like them ok... certain ones are better than others... I hate the jiffy brand ones but the Burpee brand ones are amazing... another thing I'm not crazy about is that you have to move them out almost immediately due to the size..... Hope this helps. Mine also had plastic dome but i rarely use it after February....


Well-Known Member
They look a little over watered other than that, they look good man.

Nothin to worry about with the spots. If you transplant when they are rootbound you should have no problems.
again with this, those plants are not overwatered, theyre perfectly healthy, an overwatered plant is easily distinguishable, heres an example



Active Member
Sorry got way side tracked yesterday after a heavy sesh... hahaha IT HAPPENS! So when I got home today the new tent I ordered was waiting at my front door! I cant stand suspense so I immediatly put it togethar. It took all of 10 minutes to put togethar and all in all I am impressed for it having been so cheap! The only worries I have are that it may leak a little light around the zippers ( pretty sure I can remedy this with a little added Velcro here and there) also I question how sturdy it is and how heavy of a light it could hold because it suspends from two hollow steel tubes... again it was less that $110 to my door and it is pretty good size!

I think my BK abd JH's will be much happier there at night than where I had to put them before to block the light.

Ill update the BK progress tonight when I have a little more time...

Mr.MJ420: thanks for the info I didnt think I could possibly have been overwatering because I ALWAYS let them dry out.... +rep!


Active Member
Okay so here's the update as promised!

As posted above I received my dark chamber in the mail today, I immediately set it up and am very happy with it.

I move my BK and Jh's into it at 8:30PM and take them out at 8:30 AM.

The BK is still looking perfectly fine... the brown spots I was worried about have not spread at all so thats a relief. Still getting a few smallish holes in the leaves here and there but I guess that is to be expected outdoors... On Sunday I will start feeding my BK BC Bloom instead of BC Grow from now on.... along with the rest of my nutes.... Anyone ever continued using grow along with bloom or is that mega overkill???? I wouldnt try it just curious!

Here are some updated pics of my female bk and the tent that I set up!


Enjoy and good luck to you all!

Sorry for the worst quality pics ever... I just ordered a new DSLR camera off AMAZON so hopefully this will be my last update with shite pictures.....


Active Member
The weather forecast for the next 10 days doesn't look too great.... I am going to have to cover the field plants a few more nights.... I was hoping that was over with....



Well-Known Member
that's better than my forecast i had to go cover both my vegetable gardens getting down to 31 here tonight fing sux! i haven't stuck any ladies outside yet still looking for a spot to put out about 3 of them.I would like to see what this shark attack would do get's a massive central cola and looks like it would bush up real well outdoors.i feel you on the camera i sold mine when i needed money now wish i had it back. i'm going to see what kind of pictures my webcam takes it's a nice logitech 720p hd one so should take decent pics.


Active Member
that's better than my forecast i had to go cover both my vegetable gardens getting down to 31 here tonight fing sux! i haven't stuck any ladies outside yet still looking for a spot to put out about 3 of them.I would like to see what this shark attack would do get's a massive central cola and looks like it would bush up real well outdoors.i feel you on the camera i sold mine when i needed money now wish i had it back. i'm going to see what kind of pictures my webcam takes it's a nice logitech 720p hd one so should take decent pics.
I also have a 720P Logitech I never thought of using that! great idea.... post some pics after you do it and I will follow suit if it is a success! What do you think of my new tent???


Well-Known Member
yeah i was messing with it today ,there is no way of getting it to focus for up close shots though:( but it takes decent enough pictures makes sure you have the resolution maxed out.