Allergy Testing 2CE Was A Bad Idea!

ive still yet to try 2ce but have been told i would probably like it alot. i am totally in love with 2cb and im all about visuals so. this is one im happily waiting to encounter.
ive still yet to try 2ce but have been told i would probably like it alot. i am totally in love with 2cb and im all about visuals so. this is one im happily waiting to encounter.

2cb is WAY different. 2ce is extremely serious and soooooo visual. If taken orally be prepared to throw up. If you snort it you will fucking be blasted off the universe. Choose wisely.. lol
Ahhh man idk whether to snort or eat. I snorted a tab of 2cb once, and it felt awful! It hurt for half an hour. I don't wanna puke though....
20mg encapsulated and ready to go! Trip report to follow!

I feel my stomach going, but definitely not going to puke. Two thumbs way up, thus far!!
Then you definitely don't want to know what I did.. I did nearly 250mg of 2ce RECTALLY (1.7x potency) Over a two day period. I did 100mg rectal which equals 170mg oral is insane. I don't even trip that hard from it? Like obviously I saw insane visuals, but not the mind shattering experience youd expect :(
wow you must have a high tolerance or somethin. i give my buddys 16mg of the 2c-e i have and they take it oral and trip face. i cant imagine the doses your talking about.
Where in the hell do you even GET 2CE? Is it easy to synthesize, or is it actually imported from Europe??
AT 6:00, I ate a 20mg capsule of 2ce, along with 2 ginger route capsules. While I waited for it to kick in, I rolled a few blunts and watched a couple episodes of The Simpsons. I watched about 4 episodes, and still did not feel any effects from the 2ce. I was worried that I had too much food in my stomach, and that the 2ce was going to be a waste. Fortunately, this was not the case :). At about 7:30 I began to feel the effects. For the first half hour- forty five minutes, I felt like I was rolling on some good MDMA. I went outside to smoke on of the blunts. While I was outside, things began to look brighter, and started to breathe. As I was smoking, my neighbor came home with her little nephew! I panicked, and put out the L. She saw the blunt in my hand, be he didn't luckily. Still, I felt upset that she was disappointed in me. Then, I knew the drugs must really be taking hold, because I don't give a shit what she thinks normally, and there was no way a kid that young knew what I was up to.

So I go back inside, feeling incredibly euphoric, and smoke the rest of the blunt. By the time I finished it, I was feeling the most euphoric that I have ever felt. I felt so good, that I kept shivering with pleasure! At this time, I put on Where the Buffalo Roam, which I had never seen before. Now, the visuals really start to mess with me. Lazlo's head reminded me of the John Merrick in the Elephant Man! About another half hour into the movie, everything was warping... the best way to describe it is how Keanu Reeves character changes forms every second in A Scanner Darkly. Until three quarters of the way through the film, my eyes were rolling in the back of my head, and I thought I might fall asleep. I cannot stress how good the body high was!

Overall, I think 2ce was great. While there was an intense body load, it did not cause me any anxiety, as shrooms typically do. 2Ce feels like 2cb while coming up, but then the euphoria and visuals are far superior to those experienced on 2cb.

When I was almost back at baseline, around 2:00am my head started to kill! I took some tylenol and an ambien, and I felt nauseous for about an hour. I think the headache was from dehydration, because I felt better about 30 minutes after slugging down a glass of water. The ambien definitely caused the nausea, but I did not throw up at all throughout my experience. I woke up this morning feeling a bit run down. Not too bad though, considering how unbelievably high I was throughout the night. Not surprisingly, there was no afterglow today (like the afterglow from acid). But I can't complain!

2ce blew my expectations out of the water! I expect similar results from 2ci if and when I get to research it. Thanks for reading!
Thanks man! I only wish I got to try it out at a rave or even better, a festival! At least I have something to look forward to now!

Haddaway, you might want to consider taking a break from all these substances for a while. If you are not experiencing the mental effects from such a massive dose, that suggests that your brain chemistry is altered. Also, you are probably aging your heart and circulatory system by many years when you use all of these substances in such a short time period. You may feel fine now, but 40 years from now, you might have some heart problems as a result of your usage. The body was not designed to tolerate such extreme conditions for extended durations of time. I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but I don't think getting high every day when your young is worth potential health risks later on in life. Hell, even the occasional use of a stimulant couldn't be too good for your body!
He has been advised !
HADD watch this Video !

