All time best smoke youve ever had

It was in Florida and it was called "crippy" which I think is their slang word for good weed, we bought a gram for 20$ the shit was like pure bright orange, this one gram got 5 of us high 6 or 7 times, just one toke u where done...very resinous we think it was maybe dipped in some strong hash oil or something. This was in tampa/sarasota area around 2002.

My recent fav was the AK47 I had in amsterdam from EASYTIMES Coffee shop
Awhile ago I had some dank Romulan; probably the best I've ever toked. Hard to say though there's many good strains rolling around.
argh man theres to many strains to choose from..maybe its headband and its weird hand grabber stone.. or is it exile and that lazy to the bone feeling..nah probly blue domina that sweet smoking ganja.. then again la woman is very very nice..see avatar for that so thats decided..then again is it super silver haze that for some reason makes me wanna shag nearly everything in sight lol . although thats hard work so it could be the trippy afropips malawi or even the katama gold hash...but seriously it might have been the k2 that knocked me out after a nice bong full :)
I would say I'd have to go for some standard, top-quality strains such as cheese blueberry and white widow. There may be stronger and more advaced versions of these, but they just are the shit man. Taste is important too.
Theres only one strain that really made an impression on me and i have smoked MANY different kinds of pot :bigjoint: if any of you ever get the change go to The Rockerij Coffeeshop in amsterdam and ask for some of their Sour Diesel Haze .... theres no coming back from that stuff haha
super silver haze, nothing I have come across yet has even been as close to how stinky, ridiculously potent and long lasting high that the super silver haze I had possessed. I have been searching everywhere for years for any strain that produced such a hard hitting, paralyzing, heart-pounding, retarded, soaring high.
Some mystery strain I got free from a buddy back in late '98/early '99. It was lime green with the orangest hairs I ever seen. I smoke a bowl from a keychain pipe I had and be just right. And those keychain pipes have tiny ass bowls. I only got a bud about the size of my thumb, and when I smoked the last bowl, I felt like my dog died.
medicine man from mr nice... that shit will fuck u up good and leave u feeling like u didnt sleep for a week after 1 toke of that narcotic shiz