All these lights attract police?


Active Member
we can speculate till the cows come home, truth of the matter is we have no way of knowing as we're not on the inside. Legallities are protecting us less and less every year. Just because its illegal doesn't mean they won't do it. Hell with all the terrorism laws the govt and police can basically get away with any invasion of privacy now. Bottom line is get ur shit straight and dont worry or live with being a little paranoid


Well-Known Member
Amen to that,and even though your at 80,the air for your plants should be as fresh as possible,so vent it out.
once i throw the AC in there i think it will help the plants with fresh air becasue i have no possible way to put a ventilation system in. It'd be noticable at my house. The plants seem to living alright even though theres a little bit of leaves drying up and curling which makes me wonder if theres not enough co2? Id put pictures up but i dont have a camera.


Active Member
how do you monitor your temps? If u need co2 there's a good thread in the DIY section that involves yeast and sugar. Depending on the size of ur grow its an easy option for more co2


Active Member
also just keeping the air circulating in from outside the room will help. You dont have to setup a full vent to outside

luvvin growin

Active Member
right,s long as some fresh air gets in/out the plants should do fine,and that thread in DIY for co2 is really helpful,might consider it as well,it doesn't hurt.


Well-Known Member
its just like you being underneath a canoe when its turned upside down, sure theres air in there. but after a while all the o2 is ganna be gone and you will suffocate from just co2. same with an unventilated grow room. plants use up all the co2 thats in there and they start to suffocate because theres not a fresh supply of co2 coming into the room. same theory goes for why you should have fans blowing the leaves around. if the leaves are static, they will use all the co2 around the leaf and since theres no air moving theres no way for a fresh supply of co2 to reach the leaves!

BiG PuFFer

Well-Known Member
what it comes down to is, if the cops want to bust you they will no matter what. you can do everything right and still get popped, cause the the cops are assholes.


Active Member
yea you can and should take steps to avoid attention but the best thing you can do after that is to not be paranoid all the time and keep those vibes away from your grow


Well-Known Member
Okay ive got a big problem. Ive been keeping my temps around 80 degrees dude o ther fact id just leave my door open bout 1 foot. Now that my work hours have got switched i wont be there to cloe the door when the plants sleep and i wont be there for when the door needs to be opened. SO i went out to the local hardware store and bought an air condition so i could keep the door closed and not have to worry bout the temps rising. I did so and after the end of the day the temps were up to 96!! The AC was blowing cold air out but the motor in the AC was creating hot air. I dont have windows in this room so the ac was just sitting on the ground and its only a 2x6 room. Please help


Well-Known Member
Okay ive got a big problem. Ive been keeping my temps around 80 degrees dude o ther fact id just leave my door open bout 1 foot. Now that my work hours have got switched i wont be there to cloe the door when the plants sleep and i wont be there for when the door needs to be opened. SO i went out to the local hardware store and bought an air condition so i could keep the door closed and not have to worry bout the temps rising. I did so and after the end of the day the temps were up to 96!! The AC was blowing cold air out but the motor in the AC was creating hot air. I dont have windows in this room so the ac was just sitting on the ground and its only a 2x6 room. Please help

redi jedi

Well-Known Member
dude...your a/c needs to be vented outside!!!! That hot air you feel coming from the motor is the heat being removed from the air.....If you have an A/C unit thats intended to go in a window...It needs to be in a window, otherwise the heat being removed is just being put right back in...get it? If you don't have any windows in the room your gonna need a portable unit (the ones that don't go in a window) you can get em at Wal-mart, Home Depot or any major department store. But your still gonna need to vent it outside or at least outside the grow room.


Well-Known Member
The portable ones would need to be in a window to? I thought that the AC would just suck in hot air and circulate to be cold. I dont have any windows...i couldnt just stick a portable one in there?

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
Bro, you got to vent that AC hot air out. If you don't you are actually making more heat that the AC needs to cool, thus making more heat...see the circle?

If your in a pinch, McGiver that bad boy. If its a window unit and no window, you need to use cardboard, ducting, and lots of duct tape to make a poor mans duct vent for the exhaust so it can be moved out of your grow area. Figure out how to box up that exhaust side into a duct that you can get out of your area. Depending on how far you need to duct, you may need to put in an in line duct fan to help assist the exhaust through the ducting. For about $50 or less, you should be able to poor man vent that thing.

What you have going now is the same as running the furnace and AC at the same time. Its not going to do a thing for you but cost you money.


Well-Known Member
Thanks- I got what your saying sorta. I have a sliding door so i could almost put the front of the ac in the door way and 3/4 of the back on the outside of the door and drape a blanket from the ceiling all the way down to the AC so no light gets in. Bassically the door would almost be a windowsilf because technically the ac isnt in the room so it should be fine right?


Active Member
dude you don't wanna have half a window AC unit hanging out your sliding glass door. this sounds like a good way to attract attention. Get a portable ac unit, the type with wheels on the bottom. they usually come with ducting. you just attach the ducting to the hot air out, and run the ducting out of the room you are cooling, or into the ceiling if possible.