All Seedbank Promo Winners

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Hello all! Anyone or there ever win anything from attitude or had them give you something extra with your order? I just got the email from Attitude that states I'm the 3rd place promo winner for the blimburn promo. I was entered for ordering from blimburn during Jan. I took a shot and ordered from them after debating it (had to cut the order I had planned). Anyways, I've won 3rd place which gets me an iPad mini, 3 guanabana, 3 mamba, 3 wombat, 3 original clon, 3 Santa muerte, and 3 narkosis. What a great deal! If anyone else has won anything from them then please tell us about it. Thanks for reading the blabbering of an excited smoker. Have a great day all! (-_-)

joe blow greenthumb

Well-Known Member
Just got the second package in the mail. Here's all of it. An iPad mini and 18 seeds from blimburn. 3 each of wombat, original clon, mamba negra, Santa muerte, guanabana and narkosis. They've sent me an email stating that the order that got me entered was being filled again! This is awesome!

