ALL PURPLE GROW!!! purple erkle x gdp! 3rd run


Active Member
Hello friends,
It has been too long, back at school and starting up my next grow now.

t5 6 bulb full 6500k spectrum
and thats it!
undecided! currently my electricity company is screwing me big time so i am unsure if i will be using my 1000w from last grow or trying to trade for a 600.
will also be using a vortex exhaust fan and carbon filter at some point.


3x purple erkle x GDP
2x kryptonite-green crack x GDP
possibly a few clones of tahoe og

might start more seeds to up my female chances.

no pictures as of tonight! but they are mere babies at this time. not missin much.

I'm going to try and shut my brain off and sleep good night RIU


Active Member
ahhh finally got some batteries for my camera and just in time for the real start of the show!
so far all but one have shown female pre flowers i think still shakey on one.

very happy with how my ratio turned out seen as last grow only 1 out of 5 normal seeds turned male.




Well-Known Member
Beauties! would love to give you some love but this c@cksucker says i have to wait 24 hours before spreading some positive. hope you update as you go! I would trade the 1000 for a 600 if you can should rock those 5 plants nicely without using as much juice and less heat. good luck!


Active Member
good to see ya cacamal, it is actually a 600 i just wasnt sure if i would have the 600 by the time i needed it. these bitches are takin off too!

they are growing like someone shoved roids up their asses.
so far 3 are def female and the other 2 look like they are gunna show any day now.

i will be doing many updates hopefully if school doesnt take up too much of my life like it usually does. just changed my major so i got some catching up to do.

hope you all have a great day. and i'm not a douche, throw up some pics of your plants or just shout out to say hey. whatever it is a post is always appreciated!

smoke on brothers! (and sisters)

o and temps are at a nice 76-80 when lights on and 65ish with the lights off since i keep the cage fan running 24/7


Active Member
Now going bro. In the pics it looks like your using LST but then I see the Scrog.....Do you use both? Or do you use use LST till they hit the screen? How high do you have your screen also? Everything is looking good man! Keep it up.


Active Member
thanks man! yah im using both then weaving when all the lower branches make it up to the screen. id say the screens about 2ft tall. im loving how the girls are looking so im very excited for this run.


Active Member
thanks man! yah im using both then weaving when all the lower branches make it up to the screen. id say the screens about 2ft tall. im loving how the girls are looking so im very excited for this run.
So is this your 3rd grow or 3rd time growing PExGDP? If you have grown it b4 how did ya like it? If not what did ya grow before? They sure are lookin good! So do you not trim anything below the screen? Just LST them till the reach the screen? Did you use this method on your last grow? I like it!!


Active Member
its my 3rd grow total, first running these strains, cux i got them in the middle of my last grow from a seasoned outdoor grower up here in norcal.
you can see my second grow if you click on my link in signature. i had a fuck ton of diff strains, but my favorite was the cheese quake and power skunk.
nope no trimming till they hit the screen, unless some of the big water leaves get crazy on me. and no i wish i had done it like this last year woulda been wayyyy better. i just grew normal last year with some topping and some lst.
getting watered with nutes today! yum yum


Active Member
Nice. I will have to read your other grow. I really like your idea of using both. Do you olny use the LST on the branches from the main stem then once they hit the screen trim n e thing under the screen from that branch? I know thats a little more in depth but I just really like that set up. Im going to have to try it out next grow. keep us up to date and keep the pics comin! And can we get a few pics of how they look under the screen? Like bround level? Thanks again for bring'n us along for the ride!


Active Member
yah it was just a go for it grow lol. yah it seems to be working out really well and for mainly indicas they are loving the lst. and yah ill prolly cut the bottom stuff soon once then take all the bottom stuff once they are in their final place in the net. and no worries about indepthness conversations are good. and learning always helps. ill take some tonight of under the scrog.


Active Member
Your plants look great! I've just started my first grow and was wondering if you could head over to my you tube channel and let me know if there is anything i should be doing that im not and anything that i shouldn't that i am. also if you would like to give me any tips or share any tricks that would be much appreciated! Oh and if you want you can subscribe to see my future vids!
Here is my latest Video!
Thanks for watchin!


Active Member
thanks for stoppin by bob! it looks to me like yourdoin pretty well im a first time scrogger so im not exactly sure what im doin kinda just wingin it. but looks good so far! good luck


Active Member
Hey bob! checked out your vid and everything seems to be doing good. How big is your light? Are you planning on doing a journal here? Its all lookin good thus far.


Active Member
N e pic's of under the screen mcgyver? Also how are those t5 lights doing for your veg? Is that what you always use to veg? I have been thinking about changing over to use t5's for clones and veg.


Active Member
not yet but i promise soon, they are reeallly starting to bush up now. i think lst + scrog will work out real good.

i used the t5 for the first id say month of veg till my roomate took his back. but they are very nice i like them for starters.


Active Member
Hey Mcyger! Havnt got an update it a few days. How they doing? Did those other 2 show what sex they are yet? Im sure you busy with school. Man I wish I would have went to college when I got out of high school. Now I keep thinking if I should go back to school so I can get a better job. Hang in there man it will be worth it! Are you learing anything about Horticulture? I think if anything Im going to take a few classes on that to beef up my growing info.

Also Did you decide to go ahead and use your 600w for flower? I love the 600's but Im going to be switchn to LED next grow, see what they can do. Keep us it the loop! Hope all is good!


Active Member
hey scrog yah sorry been crazy busy with school, and right now ive got probably the 3rd worst hangover ever. but it happens.
yah i gotta say i see why people say college is when you get your crazy out.
I took a plant and soil science class that actually helped me to learn all about plant hormones and stuff. really interesting i was a bio major w/ an option in plant sciences. but it was ridiculously hard so i've always been good at drawing. so i switched to applied computer graphics.

yah of course im goin with the 600, i use it for later veg and flower. ive seen what leds usually produce and i gotta say its not very impressive unless your using a big panel. will post pics when my lights on.

and sadly im now 90% sure that both the unsexed ones are males, cuz the pre flowers look different than on the other 3.
but one of my girls is taking off crazy almost reaching the sreen with lower nodes


Active Member

and sadly i believe 2 are turning male which sux because one is my second bushiest plant. why couldnt it have been the small one!!!
o well they are gettin huge!



Active Member
They are looking very nice. I liked the pics! Thanks! Are you going to top for fim? Or just let it grow into the screen? They are looking very nice bro!!