ALL of my plants are HERMAPHRODITES


Hi all
I am a new grower and this is my first grow.
I have 5 plants and all of them are defiantly hermaphrodites.

I started the grow from seeds that were on a bud that i bought (there were allot of them) unfortunately that's the weed you can get in our parts these days and that is also pretty much the only source of seeds i can find.

I grow in a 3 by 1.5 meter room in the house. I live by the sea so temperatures where between 25 and 35 Celsius and the humidity could go up to 70%.
Another problem is that the room isn't 100% light proof. I have cardboards over the window and a carton over that but I still get very little light in the room when theres light out side (the lights go off at 1730 and the out side light is gone by 2000). having said that, the window is 3 meters away from the plants and and the area where the plants are seem to be totally dark.

My questions are:
1) what caused my entire crop to be hermis? light,genetics,heat,humidity?
2) If ill start another grow from the same seeds but ill make sure theres absolutely no light leeks and keep the temperature down to 30 (can't do much about the humidity) will i have a chance of having pure females?

Looking forward to hearing from you all



Well-Known Member
genetics,,,if the bud yoy bought already had alot of seeds,that was probably a hermie itself.........i also got hermie seeds.. from an og kush plant and i planted 2,one came out hermie,the otherr all female,,,,


Well-Known Member
light leaks will cause hermies every time, no doubt about it. Cut out the light leaks and you will be fine.


Active Member
yup whenever you find seeds in really dank shit it is because that plant probably hermied towards the end of its life (in a last ditch effort to reproduce) And when a plant pollinates itself the seeds that are produced are hermies...but then if you planted a hermie plant and let it grew, and then pollinated it with male pollen from another plant, the seeds that would be produced would be mostly female if not all (hence how breeders make feminized seeds). For best odds of getting female plants I would order feminized seeds and cut clones off the fem you grow because every clone will also be female...


Thanks for the replies.
Just one thing, The bud i got the seeds from is really low quality shit. It's actually grown out side in the desert by Bedouins who don't now and don't care about growing properly.
theres a good chance that the bud was pollinated by a male plant that the grower just didn't care about. my point is that it's not 100% hermaphrodite.
not being able to get better seeds I'm gonna start a new grow with the same seeds with better conditions and hope for the best. I'd rather smoke weed with seeds than not smoke at all.
thanx again and if any body has more tips for my situation ill be grateful.