All my veg probs in 1 thread


Active Member
QUIT DROWNING YOUR PLANTS or the rest of it won't matter. Plants in soil should be watered at most two times a week. Depending on amendments once a week may be often enough. VV
This isnt always the case, it depends on how well your soil drains and the size of the containers. My plants start to droop after 3-4 days which is too long to let them go without watering. I water aprox 3 times a week or at the first sign of drooping which has been as soon as 2 days between watering. Every situation is different. This is one of the hardest things to get right because overwatering can mimic underwatering. If the soil is really moist on top to the touch and the plants are drooping it is too wet. Take a stick or pen and dig up the soil 2-4in deep to get some O2 in there. Dont water anymore for at least 5 days, they should perk up in a day or 2.:mrgreen:


Active Member
So the browning seemed to have slowed down but i was wrong.

My HPS camp in a couple days ago so a put the three big ones under and one of the younglings. (picture below)

I water all my plants 1-2 times a day with about half of my spray container.

18-18-21 solution every 3 days.

I use a PH/Moister/Light meter that cost only 10$ (picture below) I would say reading come out plus of minus 1.0 off.

My lower leaves were dying and if I picked them off then the next set of leaves would die to the point as shown in the two bottom picutres over a 3 days span.

For one of my plants, last night the leaves that had a bit of dark color in the middle of the leave for a while all curled up real bad. (last picture)

Please I need help to save them. I've got some ph up ph down on the way but with this ph meter I could just make things worse.
Here is your problems in order. 1-Overwatered, water every 2-3 days, not every 6-8 hours, airate the soil 2-4 in down with a stick or pen, they will perk up in a day or two. 2-containers too small, they will get root bound if they arent allready. 3-too much Nutes, use 15-30-15 maybe once a week, even during flowering use the same, the soil should have enough Nutes itself that you dont need any for a few months. 4-PH, most if not all public water is too high PH, a half a teaspoon of vinagar per gallon will lower it to aprox 6.2-6.8, you dont have to use PH down from a pool company, vinagar from your cabhet is the way to lower it. 5-You can get a PH tester at Lowes, Home depot, walmart, in the pool supply section. You test the water the same way you test a swimming pool or Spa. Your meter does not work. If you do it this way you can not go wrong, these plant are weeds and are very easy to grow. Dont over analize every detail. Give,em some good dirt, good light and a little good water, thats all you need.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
yeah same boat : over watering, and if the low leaves go yellow or brown and fallin & mid too, then theres maybe too low light.. yu need more light in the low parts of plants.


Active Member
Wow, I got some great info. The last couple posts basicly figured out everything I was doing wrong, on the money.
I got a Ph meter and the up down so thats been figured out. But I've started watering less and the bigger ones look a lot better. The younglings are still a little droopy but im sure they'll get better.
and two are female! so thats nice to know.

Thanks for all the info, I knew that if there was one place I could get help it would be here.

