All my veg probs in 1 thread


Active Member
Now that I discovered the new thread button I've missed time and time again, I'd like to ask the questions I've been dying to have answered.

Please don't leave cause you think its too much reading. I'm just putting it all on the table here and I know you all have the answers.

I have never had a successful harvest before.
I don't know the sex of any of my plants yet, im just gonna wait till flowering

Heres the general lay out. I don't know what strand, they are simply seeds ive gathered (trying a trial run before the white widow). All plants started out under 1 40 watt wide spectrum fluro's when seedlings. Now my 10 young ones are under 3 40 watts 48" fluro's that are alternating cool and warm light. My 3 older plants are under 2 40 watt cfls and 3 20 watt cfls. Im planing on getting a 400 hps in the near future, mostly for flowering. Im using a 10$ ph meter so I don't know how reliable it is (at some depths it reads 7.0 and other depth in same pot it reads 5.0). Humidity: unknown. Temp: stays around 70 degrees. Fertalizer and nutes are tomato specified. (just let me know if you'd like more info)

So I guess il just do this picture by picture.

1. My three Largest plants are about a month and a half old since sprouting. I'm just wondering if they look a little small or not.

2. The browning in the second pic is from the far left plant. It was the first problem I saw and occured before the 2 1/2 week mark after transplant.

3. This color fading occurd over the past couple days. I'm only seeing it on the lower leaves. I did give it two nute feeding within a 2 day span. Maybe it got burned from that.

4. Seems like the same thing but more severe. Also its on the oldest of my younger plants(if that helps). It seems to be getting worse and creeping up my plant.

5. This is the big one. All of my plants are doing this. They brown and curl under at the tip. Just the tip turns brown and the rest stays green. I'm worried this is going to come back and bite me in the ass.

All these problems occur on the lower and middle leaves. New growth looks fine.

PS. Is there anyway to take pictures off my gallery?

Thanks everyone, ur awsome!



Well-Known Member
for CFLs those plants look decent in the first pic, and i think the rest of your problems are from the ph being off. get a soil ph test kit if you cant afford the good ph meters.


Active Member
So the browning seemed to have slowed down but i was wrong.

My HPS camp in a couple days ago so a put the three big ones under and one of the younglings. (picture below)

I water all my plants 1-2 times a day with about half of my spray container.

18-18-21 solution every 3 days.

I use a PH/Moister/Light meter that cost only 10$ (picture below) I would say reading come out plus of minus 1.0 off.

My lower leaves were dying and if I picked them off then the next set of leaves would die to the point as shown in the two bottom picutres over a 3 days span.

For one of my plants, last night the leaves that had a bit of dark color in the middle of the leave for a while all curled up real bad. (last picture)

Please I need help to save them. I've got some ph up ph down on the way but with this ph meter I could just make things worse.



Well-Known Member
that meter blows, and im not trying to be rude, i mean that meter really doesn't work, and your ph being off by 1 point up or down will fuck your plants up. im telling you thats probably what it is, your lacking nutes and im pretty sure its from the ph being too far off. ideal ph is between 6.2-6.5 for soil so 1 point one way or the other is too much.


Active Member
I moved a plant that was doing just fine into the hps grow room and now its dying like the other ones. They are all forming black spots and fast. Do you think that there is a reason for them dying when a which them from fluros to hps? I still haven't gotten my ph up or down and I can't find anyone that sells a good ph meter where I live.
So I'm basicly watching them die over the weekend and its sucks. I'm trying to find a digital ph meter but I don't want to wait 2 weeks for it to come in the mail.
I don't really know what to do or what I can do to save my 4 oldest plants. I did transplant the two oldest ones hoping it will slow their death, it seems to have worked but it's only been one day.


Well-Known Member
the switch from floro's to hid can do some bad stuff to your plants if your not monitoring conditions close enough, the extra light causes the plants to grow faster meaning it needs more water, nutes ect. my ph dropped to about 5 when i switched mine. i would say flush, then water with some 1/4 strength nutes and ph'd water, get spa test strips if you have too they work alright.


Well-Known Member
i have had a few really good harvest and all i use to keep track of ph is a simple fishtank ph testing kit bought at any petshop they sell it with ph range cards thats show the color and give the range for correct ph 6.5 is usually what these plants require try this as it has never done me wrong most tap water is to high in ph and you need to bring it down so i would buy some ph down with this test kit as you will usually need down instead of up.


Active Member
Do I need to worry about EC or TDS? Should I just get a combo meter? Or is it not a big deal? I herd hannah and blue labs were the best. I just don't wanna throw down all the money and then end up wishing id gotten something else.
I've been getting most my water from the fridge so the water would hit a filter a second time. I tested that water's ph with some of those spa ph strips. Anyway it's ph came out around 6.2...seems low. Im guessing they're all too acidic. But I'm thinkin I need to flush them to get decent runoff to test.
Not really anything I can do about it anyway b/c the ph up down ain't here. Could I use spa ph up down? Or does it have extra chemicals that'll kill the plant?


Well-Known Member
GO TO PECTCO PETSMART ANY FISH SEELING STORE... buy a ph test kit it is one thing you can buy cheap that is invaluable for ph issues.....


Well-Known Member
QUIT DROWNING YOUR PLANTS or the rest of it won't matter. Plants in soil should be watered at most two times a week. Depending on amendments once a week may be often enough. VV

It's 5 o'clock somewhere

Well-Known Member
Your drooping is from over watering. Your yellowing and browning of the turned down tips seems to be nute burn as your cfl's in the first pic's wouldn't get them hot enough to do that. You can kill your grow quickly if you don't watch your ph. Regular vinigar will take ph down and baking soda will take ph up if you need something right now. Flush your plants in the pot their in and then transplant into a larger pot.Give them a week before you give them more water or nutes after you transplant (water when you put them in the new pots). You said they are now in HPS light? They can't be as close as they were with the cfl's. You need at least 18" til they get used to the level of light. If your using the filter in the frig to take out the chorine, stop, it only removes the flavor not the chemical. Tap water needs to sit out fr 3-4 days to give the chlorine a chance to evaporate. When you start to use nutes again list the nutes but also list the ratio....N-P-K. Mix up a batch in a gallon of water that's 1/4 what it calls for. Ph the mix before watering after adding the nutes (nutes change the ph). The damaged leaves will not repair themselves, look for your new problems in your new growth. Good luck....