All my plants have died how did this happen


I have had over 10 different types of seeds and most germinated and grew the first 2 round leaves as soon as the first real leaves apeared they wilted and are on the verge of what looks like death.

The leaves are curling upwards into a tight ball and they can not support them selves up.

I have propped them up using small sticks.
But they still look mostly dead.

I am growing in a confined grow space a converted 2 door wardrobe with 2 12v pc fans being used to bring fresh air in and exhaust stale air.
I am using a 250w flourescent blue spectrum grow light. (the light is very powerfull and puts out alot more heat than a conventional CFL. However the temperature stays between 25c and 30c during light on hours and drops to aroung 17c night

Does any one think its possible that the light is providing too much lumens and it is killing the plants.
I have had over 10 different types of seeds and most germinated and grew the first 2 round leaves as soon as the first real leaves apeared they wilted and are on the verge of what looks like death.

The leaves are curling upwards into a tight ball and they can not support them selves up.

I have propped them up using small sticks.
But they still look mostly dead.

I am growing in a confined grow space a converted 2 door wardrobe with 2 12v pc fans being used to bring fresh air in and exhaust stale air.
I am using a 250w flourescent blue spectrum grow light. (the light is very powerfull and puts out alot more heat than a conventional CFL. However the temperature stays between 25c and 30c during light on hours and drops to aroung 17c night

Does any one think its possible that the light is providing too much lumens and it is killing the plants.

Absolutley. U may be shocking the shit out of them at that young. All u need for now is like a y splitter with two 26-watt 6500k cfls. Maybe not even that (1 per plant) what Lind of soil and mutes at ya using? Wered u get the seeds?
what is the temperature like just above the plants? between the sprouts and the bulb that is? as said, could be over heating etc.

have you given any nutes? have you overwatered, underwatered? what growing medium are you using? things like miracle grow often have slow-release nutes in them which have a history of playing havok with young plants. what ph is the water you're using and how clean is it etc?
I have been using miracle grow potting mix on its own with no perlite. I have been using bootled mineral water spayed when the soil feels dry.
I got the seeds from the attitude seed bank uk
So I need to get a low power 6500k flourescent that puts out around 26w per plant.
Raise them on a windowsill until they are strong to survive your lights imo. Youngins like to kick the bucket for all kinds of random reasons so introduce them slow to your grow box. Also are you running 24/0 or 18/6 for veg?