All lives matter - let in all the refugees

The answer has been given many times. (If I'm correctly understanding your question) It is simply don't try to run others lives for them.

You may have missed it, while you were busy stroking your gun.
Nope not the answer, surely you understand the question? Or is it to difficult for you? Who’s the idiot?
Yes, it wasn't an argument, just like something flaccid isn't erect. However I've already said "that's not an argument" lots of times and I wanted to vary things a bit, lest I get incessant and repetitive.

Now, what was the question you've been tugging at my fur to get me to answer again?
Yes we wouldn’t want you to get repetitive ...... :roll:. For fear of being repetitive I won’t ask again about the idiot thing, consider it answered.
You are referring to the one I’ve asked numerous times but you fail to answer? Who’s the idiot?

I hesitate to call you an idiot, it's well, sort of an ordinary and impolite insult.

But if you insist that you're an idiot, I'm not going to stop you. I just think you hold two opposing beliefs at once, which is sorting of glancing in the idiot direction. Did you see what I did there ?

Okay, let's cut to the chase. What is your question ?
I hesitate to call you an idiot, it's well, sort of an ordinary and impolite insult.

But if you insist that you're an idiot, I'm not going to stop you. I just think you hold two opposing beliefs at once, which is sorting of glancing in the idiot direction. Did you see what I did there ?

Okay, let's cut to the chase. What is your question ?
He called you a pedophile
I hesitate to call you an idiot, it's well, sort of an ordinary and impolite insult.

But if you insist that you're an idiot, I'm not going to stop you. I just think you hold two opposing beliefs at once, which is sorting of glancing in the idiot direction. Did you see what I did there ?

Okay, let's cut to the chase. What is your question ?
You’re obviously a pedophile
I hesitate to call you an idiot, it's well, sort of an ordinary and impolite insult.

But if you insist that you're an idiot, I'm not going to stop you. I just think you hold two opposing beliefs at once, which is sorting of glancing in the idiot direction. Did you see what I did there ?

Okay, let's cut to the chase. What is your question ?
You are quite dillusional I believe but FFS if I ask again do you actually intend to answer. Or are you going to fall back on the “no one should be able to force anyone to do anything” rhetoric? Ok I’ll make it easy k
- Who or whom leads, how are they appointed in this brave new world, it must have leadership yes?
- Who decides what is acceptable in this utopia? Keeping in mind you must be realistic in the population numbers. I believe your hoping the world yes?
- what happens when unacceptable actions take place. You do acknowledge that this could happen from time to time yes, given the fact we’re talking the world?
- now that you are stuck with the infrastructure that was left behind by the previous authoritarian society, that you were forced to pay for, how is this maintained? I believe taxes are voluntary correct?

That should be enough to start. I’ll get back to you later, the weather is forcing me to put my boats away, Mother Nature’s a cold hearted bitch :). I may go shoot a couple of guns later, only long guns though, my draconian leaders only allow them and not the people slaughtering hand guns I crave.
You are quite dillusional I believe but FFS if I ask again do you actually intend to answer. Or are you going to fall back on the “no one should be able to force anyone to do anything” rhetoric? Ok I’ll make it easy k
- Who or whom leads, how are they appointed in this brave new world, it must have leadership yes?
- Who decides what is acceptable in this utopia? Keeping in mind you must be realistic in the population numbers. I believe your hoping the world yes?
- what happens when unacceptable actions take place. You do acknowledge that this could happen from time to time yes, given the fact we’re talking the world?
- now that you are stuck with the infrastructure that was left behind by the previous authoritarian society, that you were forced to pay for, how is this maintained? I believe taxes are voluntary correct?

That should be enough to start. I’ll get back to you later, the weather is forcing me to put my boats away, Mother Nature’s a cold hearted bitch :). I may go shoot a couple of guns later, only long guns though, my draconian leaders only allow them and not the people slaughtering hand guns I crave.

1. A leader is a person that you willingly follow. A master is a person you are forced to follow. I rarely need a leader. When I do, it's to learn how to do a specific task or lesson etc. I never need or tolerate a master. One is voluntary. One is involuntary. Please don't use the term "leader" to describe a master, it's subservient and emboldens the lie.

2. Who decides what you're going to have for dinner ?

3. If something unacceptable happens, you don't solve it by using unacceptable means, otherwise the unacceptability isn't purged, it's just transferred to an entity imagined to have greater rights than other people, which is a superstition and not a rational way of promoting equality and peace.

4. Good question. Can you give me a for instance scenario ? Taxes wouldn't exist in a predominately voluntary and peaceful world, another term should be used. Taxation when mandatory is analogous to theft, since it walks like a duck etc.

Yup, the get it done before winter tasks are upon us. I have to clean up the remnants of my garden. Damn chipmunk got the last of the green peppers. Next year habaneros might give him a different perspective.
So how ambiguous can you actually get and still, in your mind, think those are answers? Actually I was looking forward to some good debate but instead got the same old rhetorical crap. I have now put you on ignore so I don’t have to subject myself to your pedo spewing of crap.
Why am I not surprised after 3 years you're still regurgitating the same dumb bullshit, SMH.
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Welcome friend of Schuylaar's. Dude, you need to help her. She needs likes baaaad.

If you aren't too choosy, you can tap that. Just be nice to her. Your politics don't matter. You can be a Nazi, in the Klan (that would help actually) or be aaaaaall the way up Trump's asshole. Just like her. Say nice things about her. Tell her she is pretty and smart. She'll buy her own ticket to Portland even if she has to trade in her $25 of food stamps at pennies on the dollar.
Welcome friend of Schuylaar's. Dude, you need to help her. She needs likes baaaad.

If you aren't too choosy, you can tap that. Just be nice to her. Your politics don't matter. You can be a Nazi, in the Klan (that would help actually) or be aaaaaall the way up Trump's asshole. Just like her. Say nice things about her. Tell her she is pretty and smart. She'll buy her own ticket to Portland even if she has to trade in her $25 of food stamps at pennies on the dollar.
Welcome? Dude, you know who you talking to?
So how ambiguous can you actually get and still, in your mind, think those are answers? Actually I was looking forward to some good debate but instead got the same old rhetorical crap. I have now put you on ignore so I don’t have to subject myself to your pedo spewing of crap.
